GrammarBot same chat repeating

I sent support an email 3 days ago but no reply. It is strange that there is no response even if to say we acknowledge the problem.


Let’s ask Support and cc Matt, Bea - Bea says she is the bug blaster.

Dear @MemriseSupport, Would you be able to get back to Charlie Keene on this issue? Thanks!

cc: @memrisematty @BeaTrisy

I have the same issue with the Grammarbot; it keeps repeating 3 grammar lessons. I’ve completed German 5 and have just finished German 7, and the issue persists. Like Charlie Keene, I would expect that Memrise support would acknowledge the issue and, even better, provide a fix for the issue. I’m now questioning why I paid for the Pro upgrade.

@MemriseSupport @memrisematty @BeaTrisy : May I ask you if you were possibly be able to respond? Ot tell me at least how and to whom I should address this issue. Thank you for your kind response!

I have the same issue in Japanese 3 - all I ever get is the same Chatbot and Grammarbot sessions, over and over, even though I get everything correct each time.

In practice, there is no real Grammarbot so it should be in BETA as an option.

It’s really annoying that it cycles the three all the time.

I’m seeing the same thing in the Italian 5 course. The grammarbot keeps coming up, and I’ve followed through with the activity at least 10 times, but it’s always the same 3 activities: putting the correct endings on present tense verbs, negating present tense verbs, and asking questions with present tense verbs. Nothing ever seems to move forward in the Grammarbot section, and the 3 activities that I described above are appropriate for a learner at my level. I’m not sure I understand whether this is always the case, or whether I’m missing something.

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Sorry, all! I meant to say above that the 3 Grammarbot activities are INappropriate for a learner at my level.

Would like ti know the answer too…

Hi there,
I’ve created a new post about this in the Italian language section, and asked for a response - hopefully someone can get back to us about this issue.

I believe that the reality is that in fact there are only few grammar chats by language. They did not bother to create more . For the German course there are only 3, on the mobile version is clearly visible.
So they can say without lying that “Grammar bot” feature exist , even is is semi useless.

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I am so sick and tired of French Grammarbot and Chatbot. I can’t believe I was foolish enough to actually pay for a subscription. If memrise doesn’t make these idiot robots more intelligent, I will bail on memrise and NEVER EVER return. They can keep the money. I suspect their rise to fame will soon be followed by a massive fall from grace.

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I think you’re right. I get the feeling that they saw that Duolingo had “bots,” so they wanted to be able to advertise that they have them too, and in Memriseland, they seem to think that making a claim is sufficient, even if the claim is ridiculous, or even contrary to all observable evidence.

I wrote to them directly via the form on their website (twice) demanding a response and I got one on the thread I posted (see link above). They said they are hoping to improve it over the coming months. I am glad they eventually responded but am very disappointed it took such a lot of effort to get a half-minute reply from someone.

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Response is as follows (although really they should be posting this on here not me!!)

MemriseMattyThe Rickest Rick @ Memrise

Hi @curlew123 Thanks for reaching out with your feedback. We have passed this over to the User Experience team and Product Managers. We hope to take this advice on-board and improve chatbots over the coming months.


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I have paid for Pro thinking that it would provide me with fresh new Chatbot and Grammarbot exercises but they still seam to be “on loop” repeating the same basic exercises again and again and again… it is getting really boring and I feel what a waste of money as I was hoping opening up to more Grammar and Chat exercises more regularly would assist my progress! No one has gotten back to me via the direct form HELP page either. If things don’t improve soon I will be getting my money back within the next weeks whilst I can. NOTE I am doing both German and French and they have similar issues repeating Grammerbot and Chatbot - nothing ever different of new to learn here.

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Also I get a “WHOOPS: Could not load the session, Sorry” when I try to go to grammar via the “More” box to attempt to get a fresh Grammar lesson that’s not the same. I got this before I upgraded to Pro thinking it would solve the error but it has made no difference :frowning: Suggestions for Memrise: 1) get rid of Chat and Grammar bots until they work correctly and are of use. 2) like Duolingo have a link at the bottom of the page to either REPORT or DISCUSS. I have a recent error with my repeating Grammarbot (French 2) “Are you Hungry?” use words for the sentence: the words are “est-ce que”, “Stephane”, “tu, t’appelles” !!!?? Clearly, this is an error and you cannot get past it to complete the session. I have a screenshot but where on earth do you send it or report it as no one at Memrise seems to respond?

Yep, I paid for pro last weekend and have already learned “how to ask a question” with the grammarbot 3 times. Feeling ripped off…German grammar does go a bit deeper than reversing the noun/verb order to switch from statements to questions…

So we have confirmation that there are only 3 grammarbot session (in German), but here’s there promo page telling people why they should upgrade to PRO

Just a little misleading!

Thanks for this. It’s several months later and still in German 2 Grammarbot remains an irritant for the above described reasons as before. I hope Memrise addresses it soon as it’s very off putting.