Goodbye Ziggy

The other issue was that Memrise spent a lot of time tinkering on Ziggy while the application needed bug fixing and adding new features. There’s still a lot of work they need to do, such as iOS sync bugs, and fix the statistics as most of the stats do not make sense for a learning point of view.

And yes, as a paid customer I rather see bugs fixed and new features implemented.


Ziggy creature is just plain stupid, that’s all. Many Memrise users already pointed its flaws, interestingly that some people still don’t understand.

Have you seen the third part of the Diehard movie? It’s where John McClane going into Harlem with a tablet “I hate n…s”. In some ways Memrise’s Ziggy is the same thing because learning languages in particular countries have negative connotation. Yep, if you are speaking another language in some places is kind of alien and weird - and not in a funny way. By making an alien as a mascot of the site they shot themselves in the foot.

By and large those geniuses who invented Ziggy should be fired and permanently banished from profession (just kidding).

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Hi @neoncube, is it the same as this one?

oh ok. thanks, i was kind of confused

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I’ll miss my Ziggy :cry:


Hi @DW7 :slight_smile:

The one that you linked to may work, but I was thinking of this one, which I think should be easier to get up and running:

There are some instructions there, but let me know if you run into any difficulties :slight_smile:

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Who else is confused by this???


By the way. i DID suggest this to @MemriseMatty and he said he might add it. how wrong i was to believe him…

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Rick is better, anyway I wanted to have pickle rick . Seems imposible to adjust the photo :sweat_smile:

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I didn’t know about the poll as I don’t normally look at the website. I am disappointed as I liked Ziggy.


Congratulations on becoming a forum leader John. :wink: You’ll be among the greats. (me), Just joking…

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Speech : 100

Hi, what is this covent garden that you speak of?

Anyone else really misses ziggy here? I think I’m gonna create a petition for memrise to bring ziggy back, maybe there can be a compromise where users can choose whether they want to use ziggy as a learning companion, I feel that it was a really cool concept that should be brought back. Like if you agree people! @MemriseMatty

You could add Ziggy in as your account picture. Most here felt that Memrise should focus more on language learning features and less on imagery.


Covent garden is just a fairly small part of london

Still the shields… It’s been months, What will become of the badges? We keep the shields? We go back to the dark ages? cough cough ziggy. I hope not, :confused:


i miss him too

I got curious. How did the old points system used to be?

The very first system that memrise had was that you started off as a “MEMBRYO” and moved through different stages - “MEMINENCE” was one of them, “MEMPEROR” was another - most of which, if I recall correctly, used “MEM” plus a regular word. I loved the play on words and I was beyond thrilled to become a “Meminence”, but then they replaced all these lovely words with the strange creature called Ziggy.