Why have points at all if you can’t compare yourself to others? How now are we going to find people to follow? The leaderboard is the only place where you can see how many points people are making this week or month.
If this really is a feature removal that really makes no sense at all. I’m just going to call it imbecilic, moronic, misguided, short-sighted. Learning gamified, yeah right.
From the lack of info that we have to me it just look like an easy cop-out in response to a few users shouting about cheaters, and a few users cheating. Fuck that.
@lenagardariki, see my earlier comment on why I disagree moving it to General Discussion.
@Arete_Hime I understand you but 16 days have passed without a response from the staff, I would call it a “no”
And if the current discussion is in the web bugs department, it will make it necessary to create a new topic for posting unofficial leaderboards, I’d rather not do it.
BTW, could anyone add some names for the top-50 (or maybe top-100) list? I am sure it is incomplete now. Thanks.
The thread split feels odd and unintentionally disrespects the generosity and efforts of Lenagarariki. You have a situation, discussion, and reaction to the situation, and now they are separated and there is no context. I get a message that someone has relied to my post, but the reply is in a different thread.
The discussion of a user-created list and Lenagarariki generously putting in time and effort to create the list belong in the same thread.
And they are? I only see 2 remaining references to it here (in the last posts by poggi and lenagardariki), in messages that mainly belong here. I split it, belatedly, because they really are different discussions and the split could be made relatively cleanly. Now both topics can grow and flourish independently.
(1) My “some history” post 16 days ago introduced the concept of a “User Created Global Leaderboard”. If you are going to split the thread, please move that post to the beginning of the second thread, because it gives a historical context to Lenagaraiki’s effort.
(2) Poggi’s post 7 hours ago is in response to a comment about the User Created Global Leaderboard, and therefore belongs in the second thread.
@lurajane, I think Poggi’s comment fits better here. So we have one for and one against moving it. Let’s have a poll: if your comment gets more likes than this one, I’ll move the comment. And @poggi has final say if she wants to.
Well, it was a response to another comment, which was also debatable, I think. In any case, my post doesn’t make any sense here now, without its context – but in all honesty it wouldn’t make that, that much more sense there either without this context.
Yes, I would like a global leaderboard very much! But there will be necessary two different leaderboards, one for memrise and one for decks, because they will part soon and I will use only decks.