Global leaderboard

I don’t do mind reading, or don’t feel like doing that now :no_mouth: This is a thread about a thing disappearing without notice, that should go into web bugs. At the moment Memrise staff confirms it is not a bug it can be moved.

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You can use my helmet.:wink:

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A post was split to a new topic: User-Created Global Leaderboard II

Well, I constantly analysed the leaderboard to benchmark how many points I could make, I didn’t care - anymore - if people were cheating or not, it motivated me.
But now it forced me to transcend this mundane limitation, and look within myself for inspiration.
In the beginning it was hard, very hard…
But now after much meditation and religious guidance I actually found the missing piece, or so I thought.
I needed a special beverage to unlock my inner chakras.
Well, I couldn’t drink coffee like normal people, it was bad for my gut.
Then I went on searching for herbs and what-not…
I searched the whole world, then while the rain droplets of the Peruvian Jungle hit my skull, I had an epiphany!

  • "I am in the wrong place."
    Then I went to Paraguay, the natives were very welcoming, they presented to me some kind of beverage, cold beverage that is, made with Yerba Mate, which had similar properties to coffee and yet was more practical and tastier than coffee, and it could contain several other types of herbs, like mint.
    Well, in the end I didn’t find what I was looking for, but this beverage really helps with the heat.

12 posts were split to a new topic: User Created Global Leaderboard

I thought that “top secret” list was the one we were talking about here. It was a ranking of everyone on Memrise, with top scores for the week, month, and all-time high. Right now there might as well not be any points at all, since there’s no way to compete with other people except for an incomplete list that doesn’t reflect the actual makeup of the population of Memrise. So the scores are somewhat meaningless, unless you really get inspired by competing against yourself and the 10 other people showing on the dashboard. You know, it’s not really all that important, and I’m kind of ranting here in order to avoid something else I should be doing, so I’ll just shut up now.

I was slightly disappointed with this because it was fun to see me get into the all-time top 1,000. Which was a small goal for me. But, honestly the points system for me is a strange metric to display. Especially because some languages have a lot of cognates, some people use multiple choice tests…etc. So, my points are hard to compare to the overall user-base. It is somewhat de-motivating for me actually, because even when I learned 50-100 words per day I still never managed to crack the top 250 weekly leaderboard… and I was on here for 4 hours a day!

I think at the course level, it is a much more interesting metric to show the number of words you currently have “mastered” which is some arbitrary cut-off point of “x days until review”. Because that is truly what I am after. I want to see how many people “finished” the course, keep up with it, etc. These types of statistics motivate me more . Because if someone has a 50% recall rate on a course, they will accumulate more points over time than someone with a higher recall rate, like 80% (though I could be wrong, I think this is true). Or, people re-starting courses to farm points… etc. etc.

There are no signs that the official global leaderboard will ever return, so I move this topic back to General Discussion.

Nicely put :slight_smile: And that’s exactly why I actually miss the Grand Leaderboard: when I first joined Memrise a little over three years ago, I had two goals: I wanted to learn Swedish (not only by Memrise, might I add, but in a way supplemented by Memrise) and I wanted to be an Overlord.

Well, still not there, but probably (hopefully) sometime later this year. And it was an absolute joy to see my way up, to make the top 400, the top 200, the top 100, and finally appearing on the first page of the global leaderboard.

Well, it is gone now, and I understand the unsaid, implied argument for it (and now I’m in the top 30 on this list instead of top 50, so yay, I guess) but I can’t help being a bit sorry for the loss.


Why have points at all if you can’t compare yourself to others? How now are we going to find people to follow? The leaderboard is the only place where you can see how many points people are making this week or month.

If this really is a feature removal that really makes no sense at all. I’m just going to call it imbecilic, moronic, misguided, short-sighted. Learning gamified, yeah right.

From the lack of info that we have to me it just look like an easy cop-out in response to a few users shouting about cheaters, and a few users cheating. Fuck that.

@lenagardariki, see my earlier comment on why I disagree moving it to General Discussion.


@Arete_Hime I understand you but 16 days have passed without a response from the staff, I would call it a “no” :slight_smile:
And if the current discussion is in the web bugs department, it will make it necessary to create a new topic for posting unofficial leaderboards, I’d rather not do it.

BTW, could anyone add some names for the top-50 (or maybe top-100) list? I am sure it is incomplete now. Thanks.

That discussion is off-topic here I think. I would sooner split that discussion off from the main thread.

Edit: I’ve done that now:

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The thread split feels odd and unintentionally disrespects the generosity and efforts of Lenagarariki. You have a situation, discussion, and reaction to the situation, and now they are separated and there is no context. I get a message that someone has relied to my post, but the reply is in a different thread.

The discussion of a user-created list and Lenagarariki generously putting in time and effort to create the list belong in the same thread.

And they are? I only see 2 remaining references to it here (in the last posts by poggi and lenagardariki), in messages that mainly belong here. I split it, belatedly, because they really are different discussions and the split could be made relatively cleanly. Now both topics can grow and flourish independently.

The “top secret leaderboard” has been removed from the site. As far as I know, there are no current plans to bring it back.

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Ok, to have both topics make sense, I suggest:

(1) My “some history” post 16 days ago introduced the concept of a “User Created Global Leaderboard”. If you are going to split the thread, please move that post to the beginning of the second thread, because it gives a historical context to Lenagaraiki’s effort.

(2) Poggi’s post 7 hours ago is in response to a comment about the User Created Global Leaderboard, and therefore belongs in the second thread.

@lurajane, I think Poggi’s comment fits better here. So we have one for and one against moving it. Let’s have a poll: if your comment gets more likes than this one, I’ll move the comment. And @poggi has final say if she wants to.

Well, it was a response to another comment, which was also debatable, I think. In any case, my post doesn’t make any sense here now, without its context – but in all honesty it wouldn’t make that, that much more sense there either without this context.

It doesn’t really matter either way.

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Is anyone still interested in global leaderboard? Does memrise team have anything against it? I’m asking because I can set up a simple site.


Yes, I would like a global leaderboard very much! But there will be necessary two different leaderboards, one for memrise and one for decks, because they will part soon and I will use only decks.