German 7 Memrise official course: duplicate course with different word count

Which is the correct one to start? Why there are two?
One has a word count of 500+ and the other 300+.

Thank you.

I think the bigger course is an older version, based on the course number, is that correct?

@Casper_duo, I think it’s due to Memrise duplicating courses to cater for differences between English (UK) and English (US), following some complaints a while ago that confusion was arising due to things like ‘trousers/pants’, ‘pavement/sidewalk’ etc. Both courses are valid. You may need to just check what is in your settings under “I speak”.

German courses for British English

German courses for American English

How did you managed to see both at the same time? If you set your language to US english it will only give you courses in Am English. If you set it to English, it will give you British English


not too difficult actually :slight_smile:

You can do it from here

but you’re supposed to be using the courses tab to find courses. On userpages there are all public courses this user has ever made

you can join any course once you have found it, the only thing you need to know is its unique number
p.s. you can easily learn both UK and US German courses but it will take some effort to figure out which is which :grinning:


One I added through the phone (American) and one through the website (British).
I did the American on my phone up till now, but now I accidentally started doing the British (planted 18 words).

Why the British one has 200+ words then??
Shouldn’t I pick it since it covers much more material apparently?


You’ll either need to compare the content of each level to see what is different or ask Memrise’s German expert @mario2189 (who administers their German courses). [As I have ‘tagged’ him in this post, he will get a message to come to this topic.] There will be some words and phrases which are not commonly used both sides of the Atlantic. So these will appear in one version but not both.

I have had a quick look and it looks like, with the exception of German 7, the differences are small ones. Where, for example, a word or phrase is really only used/relevant in US English, that entry doesn’t appear in the UK English version - or vice versa. In Level 21 of German 5, for example (which relates to Sports Fans), the US version includes a phrase “he was the most valuable player (MVP)”. That phrase is not in Level 21 of the UK version, probably because ‘MVP’ tends to be used in relation to American sports, rather than European ones.

There appear to be much more significant differences between the structures of the German 7 courses. Although a lot of the items are the same, the number of levels and the content of each level are set up differently. Mario will be able to explain why that is.

Good luck!

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Hi there and thanks for getting in touch!
First of all, yes, there are two different German 7 courses, one for UK English and one for US English speakers. The one for UK English speakers has been there for a while now and is older than the recently added US one. In terms of quality however, they are very similar.
On the other hand, you should only see one of them, depending on which language you put as your own source language, so either US or UK English. I wasn’t able to reproduce this. So may I kindly ask you how you’ve got there? Same for @gardariki: how did you see this? Was it on web or mobile app?

Hi Mario,
I saw both courses from the page of their author, i.e. user named memrise. Actually I can see all official and ex-official courses on that page, hope it is not illegal :slight_smile: The link is in my previous post, you just need to scroll down, the courses are sorted alphabetically.

The site defaulted me to UK and the app to US on the phone.
It can happen very easily. You need to prevent this from reoccurring.
I wasn’t aware there is any difference so I mistakenly started the UK one.
What is the meaning of the significant drop in words count?
Less material covered or are those mainly bug fixes and duplicates?

Hi there,

yes that is odd indeed and I wasn’t able to reproduce this. For me it shows
We are aware of it now and will look into it, thanks for flagging this

The difference is mainly, that the German for UK English course is our old
German course
and for US EN speakers we have made some changes, not only taking into
the two different varieties of English. They are still similar in quality
so it’s really just a question of personal

Best, Mario

Ah I see, yes that makes sense, since it shows all courses created by Memrise, which are most of them, unless they are user-created courses.
So if you want to see the correct course for your source language, choose your respective from the drop down menu “I speak…” and you should then only see the courses we offer for your language.
Hope this helps,
Best wishes!