From bad to worse

The graphic enhancements from April 10, 2019 and the same problem: Ambitious, undereducated, unexperienced and CHEAP people get the job to “improve” something. Without any knowledge of anything they start to work and when it’s finished, it’ll be published without any quality control. So happened in all the last patches of Memrise.
I’m really brassed off of all the “improvements” this poor team made during the last five years. Are these guys trying to make a spinoff of the film “Idiocracy” ?


You might light to visit this topic: > New design

as you are the opposite of this, or what? how can you call people “cheap”, and that even shouting???


This is precisely the kind of post that nobody on the memrise team will actually ever read.

If you want to engage with someone and get them to change something you don’t like, the LAST THING YOU DO IS USE SHOUTY CAPITALS (I hope you understand the irony of my using shouty capitals).

If you call people “CHEAP” (how do you know what they get paid, I am really curious about that) and use the word “idiocracy”, they will never ever listen to you or take you seriously.


You’re right, it’s really annoying what they do…
From one Desaster to the next……
It is no longer worth to pay for such improvements. They do not change major bugs, but have enough time time to make such ridiculous changes…… If I work in that way, I ….