[Feature Request] Typing Only

I’ve noticed that relying too much on being able to choose the words is not as helpful as being able to recall how to formulate the sentences on our own. It would be great to have the option to type, instead of choosing from a scrambled group of words to create the sentence or “harder” phrases.

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That’s doable, it’s set up per course.

I had this exact same feeling and thought once I reached a certain point in learning Portuguese and guess what? There is an option and guess what else? Your brain power does increase because you are not relying (when typing long sentences you are memorising) on simply moving a little box, you must remember how to write out the whole sentence and that improves your command of the language.

So, there is an option to use for web version, not on the app.

There are these things called userscripts that people write for anything and everything in order to add functionality or automate a process.

There are all sorts of scripts for memrise but I desired the exact same function as you do and there is an excellent script that does what you want.

How do I use it? I have it set so that, the first time you learn new things, i.e words and sentences, it does it like normal(I tried using type out manually when learning for the first time, I do not advise it, efficiency and aquisition goes down and becomes significantly harder) but then anytime you are using classic review or speed review for that matter you must type out the whole thing, everything, it is great. For speed review, this is unfeesible, so I just turn off the script from the little icon I have within easy reach on my browser when I do speed review. It is beautiful and perfect for what you want using clasic review.

Seems so daunting when you read how to add it to your browser but it took me 5 minutes and was so easy.

I use firefox, I believe you can use chrome also, download the add on called “tamper monkey” then you have to go to a github, made by a guy called @cooljingle and he has the script there and you add it to tampermonkey, open up memrise on the browser, just hit classic review and on the left side there will be an option for settings, you click that and check what you want.

A man named Alan put me onto this and I will link you to the post that says exactly what needs to be done and my post . I should make a post about this with clean clear instructions because I am waffling on here and I hope you can figure it out but whatever happens, come here, ask me, I will help at whatever step you are able to reach if you need it.

My post asking the same as you :

Click on that and scroll down to The UserScript How To link

Hope this helps

Kind Regards