[Feature Request] modify the time a student have to type in word

We would need to modify the time a student is given by the system to type in a word. Especialy young student are not fast enough to type long words in the timeframe set by the system. This leads to frustration.

We have tested on a Windows 7 PC Using FF 50.1


Hi @NudelKugel,

In the meantime, you may find this topic interesting:

How to turn the timer off?


@alanh & @NudelKugel

Yep - I use this extension and it works a treat. I always hated the timer. It is a very stressful way to learn anything. I still try to respond quickly but sometimes I like to refer to a dictionary for extra information or confirmation while the exercise is displayed on the screen. Most of the courses here aren’t set to “striict typing” which is fairly pointless if you are trying to learn a language’s vocabulary as an accent, apart from affecting pronunciation, can change the definition of a word.

For example: In French sur = on, on top of, while sûr = sure, certain.

I always type words with their correct accents. At least the non-strict courses will mark an answer containing an incorrect accent as wrong while also allowing the total absence of accents. As you appear to be teacher I assume this would be important to you also.

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i don’t really get it… looking for the answer in a dictionary is kind of a self-defeating strategy… what’s the point of using memrise then? and “degré” (or “grade”?) is a rather short word?

i love the timer, especially when learning Chinese…

@ Hydroptere - you love to be argumentative, don’t you?

It isn’t “cheating” - I already know the answer and I look in the French section of the on-line dictionary (eg http://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais-anglais/désobéir/24423 ) to double check the accents due to the fact that most courses are NOT set to “strict typing”. Sometimes I would like to see a word used in its proper context etc. Sometimes I check its etymology.

Using these “tools” assist in learning and understanding a language.

If you like the timer, that’s fine but don’t go about telling others what Memrise is for or how they should use it. For instance, I could say that you are wasting your time if you are learning a language without its correct accenting but that is your choice. How I wish to learn is mine.

Ever since the French Verbs course was converted to “strict typing” I have rarely referred to the dictionary and then only for usage context. As accents in French are vital, all French vocab courses should have it implemented.

Off-topic: @ripcurlgirl if you’re using the webversion it is possible to show dictionary sites as iframes, in the presentation screen. If you like that you’d have to first find some (French) dictionary sites that show the word as part of the url, to paste into the script.

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Merci de ton aide Arete.

Salut, Kim

Hi alanh,

thank you for this wok around.
I had a quick glance on the thread and it looks to me, that I am not the only one who would like to use this feature.
Once this work around has become a standard option on the website, memrise could be used in class.

At the moment, you have the same amount of time for a word like egg or temperature. If you take into account, that most primary school pupils are no natives on a keyboard, the time out is a big source of frustration.

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