I’ve been listening to the book How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens By: Benedict Carey. Ultimately I want to increase the difficulty on my courses.
Years back I tried extremely hard to learn Korean and didn’t. I am reviewing my techniques and sharpening my game. While using memrise I try to avoid looking at multiple choice (until I can recall it in my mind) and even if I know the right answer by deduction but know I missed it I force the wrong answer so it will come up again for review. To me this is annoying to have the ability to accidentally see it since I don’t know if I can truly summon the word from nowhere.
Can you add a feature to remove all multiple choice and leave a blank spot for the answer. In effect you will have the options for either.
The harder you have to work to recall it the more ingrained it will become (ie using notes to recall or straight from a blank memory. This does not count memory tools like sayings or songs / etc). Cheating is just that, cheating yourself out of learning by hints. Using the mems to aid memory should be what we go to not multiple choice.