Example Sentences Userscript


Are there any online databases for Portuguese (BR) or other Romance languages where you could pull 3-5 example PT sentences from for a single word?

The DuoLingo PT BR course e.g quite often uses single words and infinitive (not conjugated) verbs.

An additional button “Pull some example sentences” would be quite sufficient, so you do not have to retrieve them each time for every shown word.

Often there are some (single) words, no matter how often you strengthen or re-learn them, they are quite weak and/or difficult and without good examples and seeing them in multiple contexts, you will probably NEVER learn them 100% successful, so you can better RECALL them the next time.

Turns out the color picker was no longer working after a Memrise update; with the latest script version (1.2.5) it should be functional again.

As an aside, your script edit may have not worked because the settings are saved locally to prevent future updates affecting them.

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I’ve thought of using https://tatoeba.org/ to make a more general example sentences userscript which would work for more languages, it doesn’t have an api but you could scrape the data off the pages - one for my todo list.

There’s also this:

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Hi there! The script stopped working :-(, I noticed this today …

I’ve updated it so it should be working now (1.2.10).

@cooljingle can you please add support for the traditional characters? :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late reply, was on holiday.

I had implemented traditional Chinese support but there was a bug in the script which stopped it translating properly- I’ve fixed in now so it should all be working fine (1.2.12)

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I’ve installed the latest version using tampermonkey. It’s still not working :confused:

I found the problem, should be working now (1.2.13)

Example sentences is no longer working for me. I have the latest version of Chrome (Version 69.0.3497.100) and the Memrise Chinese Examples script using Tampermonkey (1.2.13)

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I’ve fixed it now - latest is 1.2.14

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Muchisimas ganxie, I don’t think I would even use Memrise anymore without your scripts.


Is the Chinese Example Sentences userscript still viable on Chrome? I’m coming back after a long absence and it does not seem to be working.

You may find that it’s a consequence of Memrise changing its url recently. For other userscripts, we needed to edit the url reference in the scripts to match the new address. See this other forum topic which explains: Tampermonkey scripts no longer working


Yes, thanks, I got it sorted out by changing the www.memrise to app.memrise. Audio isn’t working for me currently, but not a big problem as I am currently more focusing on reading skills.

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Anybody using the example sentences currently? I am back again after a long hiatus, and I am seeing the other relevant parts provided by this userscript, but not the example sentences.

Hi @Podster,

I don’t use that one but it could be that when you logged back on, you joined the new(ish) Beta version of Memrise, where none of the userscripts work. If so, you’ll need to turn off ‘Beta’ in your Profile (and, possibly also “Memrise Labs” in your “Learning” options) so that you revert to the original version of Memrise. The userscripts should then work as before.


Thanks; I did at least partly figure that out. I’ve got beta switched off. Prior to that I did not see any of the userscript functions. Now I see the controls for it and the popup pronunciation, but not the example sentences. Might be a problem with the source for the sentences, but more likely something that Memrise changed. Let me go back and look at Memrise Labs. edit: okay, I checked and Memrise Labs is set to “off.”

Oh, OK. It that case, like you say, it sounds like something in that particular userscript has become broken. The two that I use regularly are working fine. Hopefully, @cooljingle will pay a visit to the forum again before long and be able to take a look for you.