Every 100th item disappears when Bulk Add. 296 items pasted from Excel into Bulk Add box, database ends up with 294 items, the 100th and the 200th missing. Not the first time. What could have taken me 5 minutes (paste into Bulk Add + Auto Create Levels) took me an hour (went ahead using the course thinking the missing items were just duplicates, finding out otherwise, scraping Database, re-creating Database and Levels, still not right, locating missing item, adding missing items, but order not right, creating new Database a third time, Bulk Add no more than 99 items at a time, create levels the third time, etc.)
@bonnieonbass ~ this is a known issue that has been around for a long time. There are a couple of threads on this: http://community.memrise.com/t/words-missing-when-i-use-bulk-add-words/1592 , which includes a thread within a thread.
Hopefully someday the issue will be addressed and resolved by Memrise.
Thanks. I think I reported this problem before, too. I know it’s an old bug that’s been around for a long time. All the 10+ bugs that I currently have have been around for a long time. Well, you can’t have 10+ bugs at the same time if each bug didn’t stay around for long enough, right?
I could start a thread with a new question instead of an old one. Like,
"Why do most of my other apps have 0 bugs and the rest no more than 1 bug, when Memrise constantly has 10+ at each given moment?"
It can’t be a coincidence so there must be a reason!