For comments about any of the ‘official’ Memrise French courses it is better to post them here and to tag @fanny_sta (who is the French Language Specialist at Memrise) in your post. It looks like she monitors that topic regularly and fixes any bugs.
Thank you for spotting these issues, I will fix them straight away. These language/course specific forums are the best place to have language-related issues fixed as each language specialist will take care of them from here, while our Support Team deals more with bug and app issues.
These forums are also looked at by us, the language specialists, and it is more efficient to have course and language specific forums so we can get straight to the point and discuss more in length with learners. Our Support Team works on more technical issues and not language-related one. I hope this helps
I see, @fanny_sta . Back-end and front-end support operate with an entire disconnect, then? Perhaps this may be more efficient, but only if it’s obvious to users this is the case; still, I would have thought that it wouldn’t be too hard to forward on front-end error reports to the language team.
I wasn’t really trying being mean (I can achieve that just fine without trying…). I’m just grouchy.
I’m glad any kinks should have been ironed out the new French 1 and 2 before I get there! I knew there would be benefit to going over the old (so much gentler, imho) courses first. I must admit, I had noticed that the general thread on the official French course is more active than many of the others, but in my ever-grouchy, it’s-December mood, didn’t think to helpfully redirect @gavan.599 there.
No worries at all! And I appreciate that it may not be intuitive to have to come here for language specific issues, and to Support for technical ones. We are trying to make our support system more clear and fluid in the future. Thanks for your feedback!
Can I also ask you, you mention that you find the “old” French courses much gentler than the new ones, would you mind sharing why? I’d be very grateful to hear your feedback on this.
@fanny_sta hi, there’re errors in translation in franska 2 (french for swedish-speaking?). La cousine is translated as masculine and le cousin as feminine, should be the other way around.
Thank you for spotting this @Milamy, that had escaped me! @alkassyonan2 I have just made the changes and the corrections should be with you once you log out and in again