Error with Audio

Firstly, I got Memonist badge on memrise =D

Secondly,there is a slightly complex error in Arabic 3, by Memrise. It is on Level 41 and there is a phrase: “نستطيع الذهاب إلى السينما”. However, the man’s voice pronounces it correctly but the woman’s voice pronounces the first ن like a ت. Please tag some of the course contributors.

this being the propoer thread/forum to point this out


It seems you are constantly making new threads when you want to report something about official Arabic courses. Why don’t you post in official thread?

You don’t have to open a new thread just post in exciting one


A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Arabic 1-7 by Memrise

Congrats on the Memonist badge :slight_smile: