The phrase “ich hätte gern etwas zu frühstücken” is translated as “Eu gostaria de algo para o café da manhã por favor” in portuguese. But, the phrase in Deutsch doesn’t have the bitte, so the translation should be “Eu gostaria de algo para o café da manhã”, without the “por favor”, because It has been very misleading to have the “por favor”, every time I’ve to translate It I get It wrong because I forget that It hasn’t this.
And my doubt is, can’t the courses be changed in it’s correction use, because there are a lot of expressions that have two ways of translating and we can’t possible know for sure what the courses creators have used for example, if i want to say “You’ve” in Deutsch I’ve 2 possible ways of translating it “Sie haben” or “Du hast”, but when I see the translation in english and I’ve to translate it to Deutsch unless that I know that they use one way or the other I can’t possible know without the context which way was used because is only a matter of formality, so I’d like to know if the courses creators can’t change it so when i type both of the options they accept it. Because it kind is already in use, because in some expressions when i use the “SS” instead of the “ß”, sometimes they accept it(other thing that should be corrected because or they accept both forms every place or they just accept one form, because it’s kind of troublesome to remember every place where a form is accepted).
Anyways that is my doubt. Sorry for the english, I hope this problem wasn’t addressed in other place and that it can be fixed asap, because it’s getting kind of boring to get the error in my face every time, but because i don’t remember which one of the multiple valid options is the one that the course creator used, because i know that it’s a course about memorizing stuff but it should incentive learning and not only memorizing.
A post was merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Alemán 1-7 de Memrise (German for Spanish speakers)