Early Access for everyone!

Oh, and don’t forget “supremely entitled and chronically embittered,” that’s a good one too for our purposes here (pointing out that you have different rules for yourself and everyone else).


Just quoting you for reference.


In this case I would agree that “supremely entitled and chronically embittered” – albeit well-written – might have been a little over the top.

And I’ll have you know (not that it would be any of your business, but which still might be profitable for you to consider, whether just for your own sake, or the sake of everyone else), that I have found Olaf’s replies to my posts to be instructive and exemplary, and a model I wish to follow as time goes on.

May I ask if you are a Buddhist in any sense, or a proto-Stapledonian?

Now see, I was wondering about that though, because you only responded to my one-sentence, essentially grumbled aside just pointing out that you were defending the (in this situation) powerful against the powerless (within the realm of control over Memrise, specifically), which always makes me prickly. What I’m getting at is, until this last (indirect) acknowledgment, you have by all appearances ignored Olaf’s “instructive and exemplary” replies in favor of telling me all about how you’re gonna tell on me for being mean to you about being mean to nice people like Olaf. I have to ask: are his comments actually instructing you, and if so, why aren’t you telling him about it instead?


I’ll take that as a “no”.

No man, I’m not going to engage with you about philosophy or religion on the Memrise forum about the new language training format. I know, sooooo predictable.


Who are you?

Well, I didn’t see that coming.

Hello @MrMerrySpencer and welcome to the forums!

Well, apparently not, at least according to Memrise’s current (and lately exclusive) speaking tube:

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It would be nice if there would be an option to get an overview of the whole communication with the membot at the end of the conversation, including the translation. This way I can check what has been said by the bot compared to what I thought it said during the conversation.

Independent from the early access it would in general be nice if:

  • The answers provided by multiple choice questions would somehow belong to the category currently trained. It doesn’t take a lot to find the correct answer for the word for an animal for example if 5 out of 6 answers refer to some completely different topics.
  • half- and full- width characters should be treated the same and additional spaces should be ignored (so two or more spaces should be considered as one). A sentence isn’t wrong if the gap between the words is too big :slight_smile: . It can get very frustrating to hunt down an “error” just to find out that the system interpreted one button hit as two.
  • A list of all videos already watched so I can rewatch it.
  • An option to hide the bubbles in typing tests.
  • “Type what you hear” styled repetition tests, preferable with the natives speaking.
  • Translating in both directions in typing tests.
  • The possibility to report wrong translations directly.
  • A bit more freedom regarding the answers. Synonyms should be possible as well as other translations and altered word order, considering that many languages aren’t as strict in regards to that as english is, which isn’t an unimportant aspect in learning a language, imho. (This is a big one, I know)

Note that these are only meant as suggestions. But some of them might find agreement among users and may be worthwhile considering.



This is a really unfortunate change. I gave the new version a try, but there are huge problems: namely, most of the content is now no longer available for free but requires a subcription. Worse, the ads for the paid Pro service are so frequent and intrusive as to make the free, ad-supported content almost unusable. And unless I missed it, when trying to chat with the AI, there’s no easy way to type diacritics on the Web-based PC version. These are vital for proper spelling and meaning in a language.

If this is indicative of what Memrise is going to be like, you’re going to lose this user. I had learned a lot from the courses, but I think I’ll be moving on soon.


Hi @martinschneider21

Your intering suggestions could go under the [Feature Request] area.
(ie you could edit and split your comments.)

To answer

Translating in both directions in typing tests.

This is available in many Community Created Courses. Often called “Reversed” levels.


It doesn’t take a lot to find the correct answer for the word for an animal for example if 5 out of 6 answers refer to some completely different topics.

I agree - this is occasionally a problem in Community courses but it’s a MemRise selection feature.
(There a few ways we can try to minimise this when creating courses but we have little control once set up.)

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And open another thread for a few suggestions?! Doesn’t seem better then giving the feedback here to be honest.

Note that I am not using community courses thus far. My main reason for using memrise in its paid form is the fact that I get audio and especially videos with natives speaking. If I would just aim for memorizing vocabulary and basic grammar I would get myself a dictionary :wink: (I use books for learning, too, though.) Therefore I use the official courses.

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I’m Sad to miss the competition of being #1 on levels of Russian. I’m trying to keep my brain sharp to stall getting Alzheimers. Where’s the speed review of each level? I counted on it to keep memory sharp. I liked seeing familiar names competing. I was on here twice a day and late on Sun night to gain points and stir brain cells. Early Access blocks me from using the old Memrise lists of words. I want to see the old list on a cell phone while answering Early Access spelling questions on a tablet. How come I can’t type in Cyrillic? I can only use the microphone and speak cpacebo and xoposho. I feel grief over a loss.


Keep the old levels so we can open lists on one devise to use for spelling as we type answers on another devise, like a tablet. Give us a select button of Classic levels or EA format.

You can still both do speed review sessions and access leaderboards on the classic version.
Read my posting here for instructions on how to return to “classic”:

There’s another posting above that about doing the same on the web.

You can also easily change between both versions once you know how to do that. :wink:


This is probably none of my business, but what I don’t particularly like so far in the new version of Memrise is, that both the Immersion and Communication sections have their content stored on the servers of other companies (YouTube and OpenAI, respectively).

Firstly, of course, it is just inconvenient from my personal standpoint, as the ChatGPT is unavailavle in my country, and Youtube is going to be sooner or later closed too, so I cannot use the chat right now and won’t have access to the most of your videos in the future.

But, on a more general level, I had an impression that Memrise is aspiring to become more self-sufficient these days, so they might be considering their own corporate media storage solutions at least some day.


without offline learning this app is no longer suitable for me. I have cancelled my membership. I left Duolingo to come here for the same reason.

it’s such a good learning app, however I need an offline mode

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Hi @James_g_memrise! Thanks for the updates.

I have the habit of keeping track of my learning on Memrise by manually copy-and-pasting the words that I’ve learnt to a Word file, including words from official and community courses. After the mandatory migration of official courses to the new interface, will I still be able to access the word lists like now?

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There’s a website exactly for this purpose. I’ve checked, it’s still alright.