Early Access for everyone!

We’re not doing away with ways to measure your progress, we’re working hard on adding them now as they do help to reinforce motivation for people.
But they will be different to the old systems, based more on tangible things like words learned rather than generic points

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How do you know that number of learned words is more tangible than points? One can run through many words, but it does not mean remember. Why you can’t have both characteristics?

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The leaderboard motivates me if I’m not too low on it because then I know I have a chance of getting to the top. If it is based on words, it will probably no longer motivate me because I would always be very low on the board. I want to be sure the words are in my long-term memory, so I do many reviews before moving on to new words. I agree with Hombre_sin_nombre, “one can run through many words, but it does not mean remember.” Perhaps you could give extra points for learning more words, but please do not undervalue the time spent reviewing and learning well.


no one is saying anything is limited to just words, we will be enriching progress measurement by using multiple metrics, from learn and review and not least how you use immerse and communicate as well, we are not just a flashcard app anymore.

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  • I like the immersion feature and would like to set favorites for videos which I would like to watch a second time to fully understand all of the sentences in them.

  • Right now it’s difficult to find words in the scenarios I haven’t learnt yet because I’ve completed all of the current official courses in German and Spanish from Dutch not from English. So right now nothing is recognised as learnt.

  • There is small translation error in the Dutch interface.

Ik begreep de meeste woorden.

  • Where do I report errors for words in these scenarios?

The audio for this word is correct: das Eigelb

  • the Membot feature I find not that useful. There are strange errors in basic grammar and the anwsers are inconsistent.

Thank you i have reported both translation errors (and the die Eigelb has been fixed already). if you come across more errors please feel free to make a new topic and i will have them addressed.

We will be adding favourites to Immerse in the future along with various other planned improvements to the feature.
We will be adding Immerse for Dutch speakers hopefully in the next month so you can go back to dutch and have your words learned available to you.

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How do I stop the video popping up and autoplaying in the dashboard (Classic mode)? I have now pressed skip this video 5 times but it still comes back after a while. Using Brave browser.

Also the immersion stuff etc. look great, I just once again want to beg of you that you won’t change or remove the Classic user created course experience as it is the only reason I’ve been a paying customer for 5 or 6 years now in a row. From what I’ve gathered all the new stuff you’ve been working on are for the general user who wants to achieve a solid B1-B2 level in a language, but for someone who aims at higher advanced C1-C2 level it doesn’t offer as much as a classic user created course teaching you advanced vocabulary or 3000 hanzi characters.

Edit: It seems I needed to select a goal from the prompt after the video, that seems to have stopped the video from reappearing. Knock on wood.
Edit2: Nope, the video autoplaying after inactivity on dashboard is back again.

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As I say in the first post the classic experience will exist as a home for community created courses, we will only be removing the Memrise made courses from classic, so no need to worry.

Could you explain a bit more about the video, i assume it’s a video about the benefits of early access? It absolutely should not be playing while you’re on the classic dashboard and I’m not sure how that’s happening.
Can you explain the steps that you’d done before the video started appearing please?
perhaps you’d gone to Early Access (where you should have seen the video and set a daily goal set as part of the onboarding), then you came back to classic? and the video just randomly appears while you’re on classic dashboard?

The introduction video starts playing after 5-10 minutes of no activity while I’m on the dashboard, it plays even in different tab. It was gone for a little while longer after I had selected a goal from the prompt, but just had it play again. Dashboard redirects automatically to
image after 5-10 minutes of no activity it seems.


Skipping the video leads to this screen:


I have not touched EA at all yet, so this is fully classic experience right now.

Using Brave with Shield down and no ad-blockers or other extensions activated.

How incredibly strange. I will have that looked into straight away. Thank you for the information.


I also have found the same thing happening - after I leave my Classic Dashboard tab unattended for a while, the video starts autoplaying with sound in the background! (Using Windows 11 Edge)

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Sorry about that, we have reverted what we hope is the rogue code, so please do let me know if you see it again


That’s bad, because your team wasn’t capable of sorting out old, simpler metrics, just to award fixed points across different platforms.

That’s also bad. As they say, quien mucho abarca poco aprieta.


Another small error in the Dutch interface:

Ik weet het niet

I (and many others I’m sure) would love to be able to keep the old model for existing 1-7 courses, and use the new model as well, instead of the old model being completely abandoned


Looking forward to your setting up your own competing product where everything is just as you like it. Please do keep us posted.

Welcome, Emile!

How long you have been with Memrise? Do you know by any chance how many features they eliminated?


It seems they have missed one. :wink:

Thank you for including the existing content in the new framework. I have only looked at the official Mandarin Chinese 1 course so far, and that content is both instructive and amusing.