[Duplicate Course Forum] Currencies of the World - by CFT


Just started learning this course, and encountered this problem: The correct answer for Finland would be EURO. The multiple choice gives me various options, including multiple Euros. I chose one, e.g. 1. Euro, but it the course tells me, I’m wrong, I should have chosen 4. Euro.

How am I supposed to know which “Euro” response is the correct one??


Hi @Chaoseat3r

Have posted a reply to this in the official course forum :slight_smile:

Would you be able to edit the topic title of this thread to something less official looking to avoid future confusion, thanks!


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Hi @Lien, can you change the title? You did it once and I don’t know how to change it now. Sorry for the confusion. I’m really new to the community.

Thanks @CFT for the response and the inclusion of the suffixes. I will take up your course again.


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Please refer to this forum for future reports: http://community.memrise.com/t/course-forum-currencies-of-the-world-by-cft/618