Duplicate characters in Mandarin Chinese

There is a duplicate character 巾 (cloth) in Mandarin Chinese 1 and 2 level 26, which causes starting second course from level 26 bug.

Also there is duplicate character 乍 (suddenly) in Mandarin Chinese 2 level 26 and level 48.

Can you please explain what you mean by “starting second course from level 26 bug?” I’m afraid I don’t really understand.

Also, can you please post links to the courses that you’re talking about?

I’m talking about Chinese (Simplified) course.

When I finished the first course and started second one, I couldn’t access 1-25 levels of Mandarin Chinese 2 with learning new words or listening. All learning options gave me words and characters starting from 26 level.

Actually, I found topic about this bug in iOS bugs thread:

Well, that looks like a strange bug!

Anyway, I just looked at level 26 in the Mandarin 2 course, and it looks like it isn’t teaching the character for “cloth” anymore, so maybe you have an old version of the course on your phone and it needs to be resynced?

Unfortunately, it’s just Web and Android versions don’t match, on Web version it’s level 29 and character “cloth” is still there.

I tried all standard ways to fix it, like logging out-logging in, updating and reinstalling application and rebooting device. It looks like it’s just database word-duplicate problem.

As a temporary solution I restarted Mandarin Chinese 2 course and now can go through it from beginning, but doing so I lost my progress on character “cloth” from Mandarin Chinese 1 course as well and course became “uncompleted”.

Anyway, thank you for reply. I hope this bug will be fixed soon.

Well, I’m glad you found a workaround for this in the meantime.

@xia.fan, can you please take a look at this? It appears to be a bug that’s affecting the Chinese courses.

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Thanks for letting us know! Our new Chinese specialist @yi.liu will look into it shortly.

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Hi there,

Thanks for reporting this issue.

As to the duplicate characters, could you possibly share screenshots as they look correct on our end?

We will also try to reproduce the issue you mentioned about not getting over level 26 and will update you as soon as possible.


Thanks, @xia.fan!

Hi @yi.liu,

As mentioned, it looks like this might be the same issue as the one at Continue to next level starts on the wrong chapter (Mandarin Chinese), but with a different character.

Thanks! All clear now.

The duplicated characters have been removed from the Chinese for English (UK) course but still exist in the Chinese for English (US) course which @Exieall is learning I believe. We will remove the duplicated character by tomorrow EOB and I’ll let you know once it’s done.


Hi @yi.liu,

Thanks for quick reply, I was just posting screenshots at the same moment :grinning:

Hopefully you’ll not forget about character 乍, that is in both, level 29 and 51 of Mandarin Chinese 2 course.

Sure! I did find both (巾&乍). :slightly_smiling_face:

Should be amended tomorrow afternoon but I’ll make sure to update you. :ok_hand:


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Thanks for the fix, @yi.liu :slight_smile:

I know this is out of your area, but could Memrise possibly make the functionality for having courses be in a series (like Mandarin 1, Mandarin 2, etc.) something that regulars users also have access to? It would be great to link the HSK 1, HSK 2, etc. courses together, for example.

Hey @Exieall @neoncube,

The duplicated 巾 and 乍 have been removed from Mandarin Chinese course 2 (for English US speakers). This should be reflected in the app if you log out and log in again. :slight_smile:

Let me know if anything else!


Hi @neoncube,

Thanks for the good suggestion!

I’ll take a note and discuss this and other issues I noticed with my colleagues.

In the meantime, if you have any other suggestions, please don’t hesitate to message me. Or if you happen to see any in the community, feel free to tag me. I’ve been collecting feedback but I guess the more eyes the better. :wink:


Yay! @neoncube @yi.liu, thank you.

Everything works great now. You’re the best!