Deck selection glitch: On selecting next deck to study previously studied deck keeps reappearing

iPhone X on Memrise v., on iOS 14.0.1
and iPad Pro (11-inch) on Memrise v., on iOS 14.0

Ok, wonder if this reappeared or the fix was not implemented/working properly with iOS 14. I try to stay away from major iOS releases for at least a month so most bugs are fixed in iOS (the OS has to ship with known bugs due to HW release dependencies), but in this case it might be a still-lingering Memrise layout/hit-test bug.

I raised this issue with Memrise when my iPad and iPhone were on:
iOS 13.6

(so it’s not only iOS14)

The bug appeared 2 or 3 versions before Memrise V. 3.2.0 but I hoped Memrise developers would notice the issue themselves and fix it so I didn’t write about it on the forum until V.

Ok, interesting it now works with my iPhone SE 2020 and iOS 13.7.

Yep, still in the same boat. The last update fixed this problem for about a week, now its back.

Hi, this problem was fixed initially, but over the last few days it has started happening again. Exactly the same issue as before.
Thank you for your time

iPhone 8, iOS 14.2

Same here. A regression. Is Memrise testing their iOS versions before releasing to avoid introducing regressions? Very painful to do courses (again).

Hi both,

Thanks for raising this.

Our iOS team are aware of this issue and are looking into solutions to have it resolved permanently. Unfortunately, we can’t promise an immediate fix, especially as we are not releasing a new version to the app store until the new year (Apple do not accept submissions over the Christmas period). In the meantime, we’ll monitor any further feedback we receive on this.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,
Memrise team

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Thx for looking into this. BTW most companies are aware of the blackout dates and either avoid to publish with something that might trigger regressions so close to the blackout date, or then just publish in good time to catch them.


BTW, I removed the app, restarted iOS and reinstalled Memrise. That cleared the registers and the hit testing works again, so it’s a decent workaround. Most likely the developers forgot to check existing or old saved values in register for hit test ranges or something similar.

We still have hit testing issues when tapping inside courses, but that’s another story and I suspect it has to do with the app suddenly spending too much time in the UI thread doing something else such as network access and thus missing hit tests (hint, use GCD so make the UI thread more snappy).

Well, I have to quit and re-launch Memrise now multiple times to select courses for review. This bug is really bad. Could the developers look into this when they are back from their vacations, I could even classify it as a P0 due to lack of usability?

I get the same issue sometimes when switching courses in the app but if I select the course again a second time it works, that workaround has worked fine so far.

Yes, sometimes the second time works, sometimes the fifth time, sometimes the 20th time, sometimes now, need to restart the app. Sometimes restarting the app does not help.

They should really fix it, this bug has been around since August last year, sometimes they seem to get it tamed and now it got back with the late December iOS update.

As a developer I would be ashamed of such bad UI coding myself.

I did not say they should not fix it, I just reported my experience to the developers.

I’ve been getting the same issue, too.
It really annoys me when I’m trying to switch multiple courses for reviewing.
Hmmm, this could be the worst bug I’ve ever had on Memrise, though I usually appreciate using the app.
Hope it will fix soon :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s been a six-month misery. If this continues into February I will terminate my paid subscription and move to Anki, the developer doing iOS apps is at least responsive and fixes bugs.

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It seems to be working fine after the update released today, I’ve at least not seen the issue since then.

I removed the current app and reinstalled it to make sure I got the new version from the App store.
It’s a little bit better, but it is still easy to get to a state where you need to hit multiple times to get a selected course. I would not consider this fixed yet.

To repro, if you have 10+ courses or so, select and at some point you get to a state where the selected courses is added to the first row in the list view but not opened, hitting it multiple times still does not open it untl N attempts, where N is from 2 to 10 or so.

I wonder if the UI app has hard coded time values and timers, if so that’s pretty bad coding…

I guess I’ve just been fortunate with this update then, I have 10+ courses in the app but so far I’ve not seen that issue again since the update.

iPad running 14.3 and app version 3.2.20.

Same version here with the same issue still present, I start smelling hard coded timing values where the behavior changes from iOS device to iOS device. Sigh. Either that or some longer use of the app skews the hit testing.