Databases and weird multible choices


I’m creating a course and noticed some weird choices presented in the multiple choice parts. They were from a level I added and removed later.
I looked into it and found those choices still inside the Databases, so I proceeded to remove them from there as well…problem is, they still show up in the multiple choices.

Am I missing something? Do those words get stored in another area that I missed?
I’d appreciate any help.

Is this a continuation of an earlier question/answer in another thread? It would be helpful to post your response there. And a link to the course.
I have noticed that it takes a while for the App to recognize chances. But I have never had that removed entries showed up on web after deletion. And when I (re-)downloaded the course on the App, there neither.

It’s a thing :slight_smile:

Try checking out [Userscript] Attempt to Eliminate Phantom Entries

@ John
It was not a continuation of an earlier question/answer. Though I think I know which one you are referring to, since I checked the other posts before asking. What was suggested there I had already tried with no results.

I had to create a new course and delete the old one.

Alas, I already deleted and in the process of recreating the course. I will save the link in-case this happens again.

Thank you both

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Ah, great! Very unfortunate. Strange, I have had the problem several times and after cleaning the database carefully it always went away, though it sometimes took two times.
Anyway, if you weren’t that far progressed in the course and you are able to re-create it easily then the problem is solve as well. Have you already really deleted the old course completely or does it still exist by any chance? I’d like to have a look out of curiosity. Thanks for you feedback.

Sorry, already deleted.
If it helps though this is what I did: I bulk added words from the Advanced menu, I then deleted that level and created a different one word by word. When I tested the lesson I noticed words from the deleted one so I went into the database, found those words and deleted them from there as well.

I tested again and the words were still there. I looked into the database and couldn’t find the deleted words anymore. I gave it a couple of days (thinking it might take a while to update) but the issue continued.

I checked the posts here, couldn’t find where those words might be hiding so I posted :slight_smile:

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Ya, it’s a longstanding issue with how Memrise generates incorrect options for multiple choice questions. The words aren’t in the database, but they still show up :slight_smile:

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Can you (or anybody else) show an example? I’m really interested, because I have had that problem that I have never had a situation where I couldn’t fix it. So that makes me really curious.

Sure :slight_smile:

Actually, there’s a description on the userscript that I linked to:

What are phantom entries? Well, sometimes when you’re presented with multiple choice answers, some of the answers will be old definitions that aren’t present in your course anymore. These are phantom entries.

For example, let’s say that you add two words in your course, one after the other.

Word 1: helo
Word 2: goodbye

You then notice that word 1 is spelled incorrectly, so you correct it to “hello”, but when you get a multiple choice question for word 2, one of the answers is “helo” instead of “hello”, which isn’t what you wanted. This is a “phantom entry”.

If you want a long, long read, check out this thread:

Of course, this might not be the same problem that you ran into, but I’d guess it probably is, as I think it’s a fairly common problem :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the clarification! The threads are loooong indeed.

Haha, no problem :slight_smile: