[Course Forum] "Slow Finnish (Duolingo User-Created Lessons)" by A_User and Zzzzz

Just a quick point since some replies didn’t make it to my mailbox regarding the bus. My puzzlement wasn’t so much how to translate “linja-auto” in English but how to translate “bus” in Finnish. My understanding is that “bussi” are city buses while “linja-auto” are long-distance buses. In English (not just an Americanism here) that corresponds to “bus” and “coach” respectively (in French we’d use “bus” and “car” just to confuse you ;)). Though yes, “bus” is usually the term universally used, colloquially or not, hence why I only mentioned it in passing.

I’m not seeing the changes to 8A in the app yet, but it probably needs time to propagate. I’ll make sure to come back and let you know of any future alternative translations I can find. Thanks!

Linja-auto is the word that you will find in signs and instructions. The distance it travels is irrelevant. Bussi is a colloquial word used by at least 50% of Finns. Although admittedly, most people living outside the capital region (including yours truly) actually say “pussi”. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d ask why you’re calling buses “plastic bags” but that’s not how you meant the joke is it? :wink:

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