[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

Translstion mistake Russian 1 for Spanish speakers lesson 9

Hi, there’s a mistake in the Russian-Spanish level 1 lesson 9. The phrase says

“Мне не нравится яблоки”

And the Spanish translation mistankenly says:

“no me gustan las naranjas”

However in the literal translation of “яблоки” is correct:

“no me gustan manzanas”


Hi @Rodia_Sela,

Thanks for pointing out this error. The translation has been amended.

Regards and happy learning!


Please correct: Memrise Russ. 3 Level 22: прогулка - Deutsch - noun: Spaziergang - not the German verb “spazieren”

Please correct the headlines:
Bitte Überschriften zu den einzelnen Levels besser umschreiben bzw. korrigieren: Russ. 3
Level 4 - statt: “Gefunden im Weltraum” vielleicht " den Weg finden"
Level 5 - vielleicht ergänzen mit Orte zum Entdecken “- Länder”
Level 6 - Menschentypen “Berufe”
Level 7 - In geheimem Auftrag “rund um den Kopf”
Level 15 - Über die Kinder und Uni reden
Level 16 - Interessengebiete - Unterrichtsfächer
Level 17 - Medien / Liebe und Hass
Level 19 - Klingen wie ein Einheimischer - Fluchen und Feiertage
Level 20 - Entdeckungen / Flugreisen
Level 24 - Monate und Daten [nicht bei Level 25 - die nachfolgenden Titel sind wohl verrutscht]
Level 25 - Feilschen und Handeln [hier ist der Titel richtig]
Level 26 - Möbel
Level 27 - sonstiger Hausrat
Level 28 statt “Ausrüstung beschaffen” - “mit dem Flugzeug in den Urlaub”
Level 29 - “Verabreden”
Level 30 - “Spielen”
Level 31 - “1000 Jahre”

Thanks for your help:

Please improve the headlines: German: Russ 3 - the titles apparently describe the next level
Level 24: “Verloren im Weltraum” more specific: “Monate” (or the title of Level 25)
Level 25: “Monate und Daten” better: “Währungen und Einkaufen” (or the title of Lev. 26)
Level 26: Feilschen und Handeln - Möbel und Inneneinrichtung (or the title of Lev. 27)
Level 27: Möbel …
Level 28: Ausrüstung beschaffen …

Wrong Translation in the explore tool- when the camera sees a shoe its translated with башмак, thats not a shoe

“Башмак” is a shoe. But it is a not very common word now, it is used mainly in proverbs and sayings. I agree that it should be changed. Absolutely no point in studying it.


Hi @Don_huliano17, thank you for your comment. I totally agree with you. It is changed now. Good luck in your studies. Pavel.

1 Like

The vocabular for the units seem to have been taken out of a text - is it possible get these texts?
It should improve learning to see the learned vocabulary in a textual context.

The knew (visual) update changed the order / position of the letters - and does not represent anymore the russian standard keypad. This makes it harder to use the russian keypad for writing…
For learning - and the use of the russian standar keypad - I would prefer the arrangement of the letters according to the russian standard keypad

German - Russian - Course 7: Unit 34: уверительный - this word ist not used anymore - and the German translation does not convince: “überzeugend”
Probably it has been mixed up with: убеди́тельный

Some correction for German - > Russian course
Course 6
I don’t know in which sectiinthe sentence is but there is a letter too much. Starting with
Seine Familie ist arm
The word arm was written wrongly
Course 7
There are two vocabularies for bemerken.
Заметить and замечать, please make sure that we get a difference. I want to learn the language and not guess for right words

Thank you

German - Russian - Course 7: Unit 36:
The German translation for “посланник; посланница” - “Absender; Absenderin” most probalby is incorrect. - probably Abgesandter, better: Botschafter, Gesandter, Missionar

And again: the titles of the units - do not really describe the content… please find better discriptions.
Context helps learning!

German - Russian - Course 7: Unit 37:
ключевой : Schllüssel- the correct spelling vor German ist “Schlüssel” - one “l” to many…

Adding the furhter translation “entscheidend” may be helfpful

Hi @wbuerst,
Thanks for flagging all of these! We’ve changed the level titles that were clearly mismatched and will have a discussion with the team about the level titles in general. We’ve also amended most of the things you’ve flagged (changing translations or removing confusing items). Please log out and back in to update the courses.

Thanks and happy learning!

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In Russian 3 “Back at Base”, there is a sentence, “It’s between the kitchen and the living room”.

The English for this sentence consistently starts with “It’s”.

The Russian audio for the sentence, whether course or a “local”, consistently begins “Он между …”, “It is between …”

The Russian TEXT given for the sentence, whether in the “local” caption or in the word tiles, consistently omits the Он and begins with Между, “Between the kitchen and the livingroom.” There is no Он. So you select the word tiles actually available to you, “Между кухней и гостиной”, and Memrise accepts it as correct, then reads back to you, “ Он между кухней и гостиной”.

It is showing B&B (Which is a bed and breakfast, which in England is a place that is like a hotel, with different rooms, but also breakfast is included, usually they are homes that have been converted and are run by the family who live there) so is B&B correct translation for this? Shouldn’t it be apartment?

Hi @alareikhsgothemund, thank you for the comment. We have added “he” (it) in the phrase, as it relates to the toilet, which is masculine. If it was a self standing phrase, however, we would not translate “it’s”. All the best, Pavel

Thank you for the comment. You are right, B&B is not quite the same, in Russia, it’s more of Air B&B system, when people rent out rooms in their flats. We have changed the English translation. You can see the change after log out and log in back. All the best, Pavel.

Pavel, I can’t speak to what is and is not correct in Russian — I’m still learning to speak it. :slight_smile: My point was that on the Russian side, the audio and the text were inconsistent, which was confusing.