[Course Forum] Russian 1 - 7 by Memrise

@MashaSh is on annual leave and will be back next week. Thanks for your patience.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Word order exercises not working

Skinger, many thanks for your comment. There is only one ‘место преступления’ in the course, so it shouldn’t be presented twice in multiple choice. There might be a technical problem that needs to be addressed - our tech team will look into it. Thanks for pointing out the issue with ‘секрет’ and ‘тайный’ - it was fixed. Regarding the verbal aspects and short/long adjectives - we’ll make sure alternative answers are accepted for all of them.

Atikker, I’ve just checked the audio - everything seems to be fine. Can you please check it again and let me know if the problem persists.

Skinger, many thanks. We are looking into it.

Lasquires6d, thanks for clarifying. We are trying to fix it.

Atikker, thank you. Extra information is added.

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Hi ElHeim, many thanks for your comment. We are looking into it.

Skinger, the ‘crime scene’ problem is fixed. Thanks for letting us know.

Skinger, the problem is fixed. Thanks for letting us know.

I installed the official Russian 3 course for French speakers on iOS 10 and I noticed all the translations and unit titles are given in English.

I don’t know whether this problem only affects Russian 1 - 7 or if it’s cropping up all across Memrise, but I’ve just started doing Russian 3 and I keep finding that when the answer is a phrase consisting of several words, and I’m being asked to recall the phrase one word at a time by clicking on the words that appear in it (I think this is referred to as a “Tapping test”) then it’s impossible to enter the correct answer.

What happens is that:

  • One of the buttons I have to click on contains more than one of the words.

  • In theory that shouldn’t matter and I should just be able to complete the phrase regardless, but when I have completed it then invariably the answer is marked wrong, even if the phrase is correct.

Note that this only happens when one of the buttons has more than one word (but in that case it always happens.)

You need to do something to fix this, or ask whoever can fix it to fix it, because it’s ruining the course.

Sofrankly, thank you for your comment. At the moment we don’t have an official Russian course for French speakers. But it will be uploaded very soon!

Hello, in Level 9 of Russian 1 for Spanish speakers, there is a mistake in the translation of the sentence “мне не нравятся яблоки”. The correct translation of that sentence is “no me gustan las manzanas

Course link: http://www.memrise.com/course/1185333/ruso-1/9/

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Hola, @Claudio_es:

Gracias por tu comentario. Tienes razón, hay un error en esa frase y ya lo he corregido. Muchas gracias por avisarnos del error. :slight_smile:



There appears to be a level missing from Russian 1. It skips from level 7 (Being Human) to level 9 (Fuel your vocab: food). Are the levels simply mis-numbered, or is there a level 8 that has somehow been dropped?
I’m enjoying the course very much by the way - and I love the addition of videos!

Hello Philip, thank you for your comment. At the moment we are working on a new exciting feature that will appear between those levels and be available on mobile. The level numbering will be resolved very soon.



:smile: Ah, OK thanks for replying - I will look forward to seeing the new feature. :smile:

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Alternative answers in level 1 should be accepted. Where, for example, answers to “yes” and “no” are required to be given with Latin letters even though the browser shows the Cyrillic keyboard. Accept both answers!

[Edit] Oh great there are two different courses by Memrise with the same name and description… wonderful:

So, now I know the British call sneakers “Trainers”. Interesting, but it might be a good idea to include “sneakers” in the definition for кроссовки, since “trainers” is commonly used with a completely different meaning. This is in Russian 2. Peace!