[Course Forum] Reading Italian Newspapers ✓ by Patrizioso

Make that 355

Make that 300! Stanco!

Got back to 300. That was quicker than I thought. Can check all the remainder if you like?

I’ll finish at 280 now. Let me know when you’re done

done. happy to go back a bit more if you’d like to stop.

Bingo! We are done


Hi Patrizioso, thanks for the course “Reading Italian Newspapers”. I’m doing Level 25 and I just found the word 'parentato", translated as 'much feared". Are you sure this is correct? I cannot find supporting evidence in dictionaries for this translation… Treccani, for instance, says that perentato is a form of parentado, which means “legame di parentela”, “insieme dei parenti”, etc. Nothing to do with fear!

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This is what La Repubblica has to say parentado: traduzione in inglese - Dizionari - La Repubblica. I’ll amend likewise. Thanks for the interest.

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I clearly confused it with paventato

All sorted, see [Course Forum] Reading Italian Newspapers ✓ by Patrizioso - #11 by DW7

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Thank you @Patrizioso for you many great courses (some of which I am a Contributor for :wink: ).

For a complete list see ► Memrise - Patrizioso


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