[Course Forum] Mandarin Chinese 1-3 by Memrise

I’ve noticed a few frustrating errors. For example, to sit (zuo4) is written as zuo1 although the audio is still correct. Then there’s the issue of some words like zuotian/zuo-tian and mingtian/ming-tian. It’s making you choose the one with the dash, although AFAIK both are correct. Then when you have to choose the English translation or the audio, you can’t know which is right because they’re both the same. (E.g. you have to choose between four options where two of them are tomorrow, and it only accepts the other one.)

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Thanks yi.liu that seems to have fixed it.

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Hi @catswithsocks, I’m really sorry for the frustration. We’ve received reports from users experiencing the same issue and are looking into it. It’s caused by having same words in different format (e.g. with or without “-”) from different courses appearing in the same options and we’re doing our best to solve it as soon as possible. I’ll also double check the item you mentioned and amend the tone if it’s incorrect.

Thank you very much for bring these up!


Another tone issue:

I believe wó xǐhuan (我喜欢) should be wó xǐhuān. The audio pronunciation is correct at least.

Also please check into this issue: Translation error in Mandarin Chinese 1 (the words for maternal grandmother and grandfather are swapped).

[Mandarin 3]

Lesson 72

  • It seems that the pinyin is off
    “Spring” = “xiang1”
    “Year” = “er2”
    “Fly” = “zuo2”
    etc etc.


Hi @malkeynz, thanks for your comment!

In daily conversation, “欢” in “喜欢” tends be pronounced quickly and lightly and that’s why we left it as neutral but you’re definitely right on “欢” being huān when it stands alone or becomes the first character of a word. Even in “喜欢”, the difference between a “huan” sound and a “huān” sound is not so obvious. I’ll make sure to make both of them accepted as a correct answer though :slight_smile: I’ve amended the one you mentioned in another post. Feel free to tag me in the future! :raised_hands:


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Thanks for raising them here @deniseyyu, it’s really helpful! I’ll look into it today :blush:


Добрый день! Устраните, пожалуйста ошибки в приложении для андроид. Курс Mandarin Chinese 2 в уроках, где необходимо учить иероглифы при нажатии при нажатии зеленой кнопки учить новые слова он выдает иероглиф без перевода. Там, где раньше был перевод слова - сейчас компоненты этого иероглифа. Перевода нет! А дальше сразу же проверка усвоили ли вы слово с переводом. Как же я его усвою, если мне не показывает программа перевода? Эта проблема висит в приложении на андроид уже с середины января. У меня годовая подписка, и, мне бы хотелось получать качественный контент, а не лезть за переводом в словарь. Спасибо.


I’m having a major problem with the app. While reviewing words or learning new ones - but especially during review - 90% of the time the multiple choice options are:
The right answer

Or some slightly different variation on mixing the right answer with words from the very first lesson…
… For any question, any level. I’m on a level about food. It is not at all challenging to choose between “pork bun” and “hello” when studying a food lesson.

Oh yes, this carries over into the audio-based multiple choice questions as well. I just reinstalled the app to see if that would help (it didn’t …) and was given the tough test of picking out the word for “juice” from three choices: “ni”, “nihao”…and the correct word, which I don’t even need to know to answer the question correctly!

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any news on this? it’s incredibly annoying, my keyboard can’t even parse that so every time I get shang-ge xing-qi I literally just have to fail it, copy it and paste it into the box again.

I get that you’re supposed to do it by multiple choice, but I use greasemonkey to force typing, I learn literally nothing through multiple choice other than “associating the word with a glance”, it won’t teach me how to actually say it. But I can’t deal with this where I fail because it requires accents that no other options require.

Hi @Alexroseajr, sorry about the inconvenience! This has been fixed on our side and it should allow you to pass without typing the accents now. You should see the change if you log out and log in again. Let me know if it’s still causing trouble though.

Thanks again for the feedback!

Hi @sylvan1100, thanks for raising this! Our developers are on it now and we’ll get it fixed as soon as possible. Thanks for bearing with us!


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Hi @regina.menshikova.9, thanks for your comment. This was flagged to us a few days ago and our developers have fixed it on our side :slight_smile: It should go out with the latest release so watch out the update! Let me know if you still see it happening though.


Hi Yi Liu. Thanks a lot. Is this true of all courses? I logged out and back in and refreshed my browser’s cache and this still happens in course 2:

You can see what I mean here.


Just checked and also still wrong in mandarin 1. shen-me shi-hou still requires accents also.

I thought that, before the recent site updates, the meaning of words/phrases came up in English in the top right of the page (on the web version) in ‘listening skills’ the same as in ‘Classic Review’. It does not do that now. Am I correct that it used to?

I feel like "listening skills’ comes up as my next suggested task much more often then ‘Classic Review’, but although I can often type or select the response I don’t know what it means, and trying to look them all up at the end isn’t as efficient for learning the meaning.

Whether or not it was there previously, I think it would be really useful if the meaning of the phrase came up in ‘Listening Skills’ as well.

Here’s an issue I’ve noticed when reviewing:

Both Chinese 1 and 2 have “to walk”, however in Chinese 1 it’s given as “zǒu” while in Chinese 2 it’s “zǒu-lù”. This is confusing because I have to remember which course I’m reviewing in order to get the answer right (for some of types of exercise at least). And if I’m doing combined review there’s no way to tell.

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I appear to have lost progress on the course Mandarin Chinese 3.

I had previously completed all levels up to halfway through Level 75, but now it says that I haven’t done any of the 汉字 levels and they are marked only as ready to learn. To be clear, I had learned these levels (the even levels) but now my progress is gone.

I don’t really want to go back through them to finish the course? Is there a way to fix this or at least to mark them as complete?

