[Course Forum] Learn French for Polyglot - No Typing - Corrections made

I might be scoring more points than you DW7 however that’s only because of the endless hours I’ve put in in the past … not so much now. I’d be willing to exchange actual levels with you if it meant I could speak French and not just keep accumulating more words!

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Hi @MaxineDownunder, Please could you delete a couple of audio files for çа = it under “Personal Pronouns”.

Two of the five say “media” (an Italian word for middle), one says “it” (English not French) and another says “elle” and the first one is silent!

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I’ll get onto that DW7. Really you should be a contributor and not me! Thank you.

Hi @DW7, Done

Many thanks @MaxineDownunder

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I keep finding words that are different to what I learned as a teenager.

Perhaps some are today’s culture of abbreviating words?


Under = sous

I would say dessous.


I see au dessous de is used for below.


The same = pareil.

What about le même

If you agree, could this be an alternative @MaxineDownunder ?

However as the course was created by a French speaker, I assume it’s more likely to be correct and current.

Personally I think there are too many mistakes with the Italian to bother.

As this is a French course and presumably someone is looking after the Italian parallel course, it’s there, that any issues should be considered.

You’re probably correct DW7. There are a heap of contributors to this course - maybe I’m expecting more from others.

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Hi, I’ve checked the two Italian equivalent courses, and they have been corrected.

(And I am one of the Contributors :slight_smile: )

Hi @DW7, it’s taken me a while but I finally got back to this and added your suggestions as alternative answers. Thanks for your input and apologies for the delay.

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Hi @MaxineDownunder, Many thanks.

If you like, I can return to the course and post here (or on a PM) any possible suggestions - but remember, my French is very basic and French has changed since I learned it!

Believe me @DW7, your French is better than mine. Any input will be appreciated. Merci.

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This is an odd one

Madame = Madam

I wouldn’t use Madam but “Mrs

Which is an abbreviation (contraction) of Missis or Missus (?) which can have the wrong connotation.

I guess shopkeepers would say “Can I help you Madam?”

I guess intially I thought it was a double French entry!

How about amending the English to

Madam, Mrs

As it’s No Typing, no alternative is needed.

Sorry for my tardiness (once again). DW7, can you tell me what level this is on? Merci.

If you go to the database, you can search for Madam and it should pop up for you.

It’s Level 28 “Family & Work”.

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Sometime = parfois

I would say quelquefois (but that may be sometimeS).

Level 27 “Necessary”.

Just as a hint: if you switch to the database view, you’ll have a search box:



Thanks @Olaf.Rabbachin

Change finally made (re Madam/Mrs). Thanks @DW7.

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Please note, there is a thread for the parallel Typing version of the course.

[Course Forum] Learn French for Polyglots

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