[Course Forum] Korean 1-7 by Memrise

The same korean course for russians, Course 5, planet 12, the last word.
"우리는 예전에 미국에 살았었지만 이사했어요"
Translation is not correct. 미국 is usa, not just “abroad”, so the best translation would be "Раньше мы жили в Америке (, сейчас нет) ". Now this translation is fully the same as "우리는 예전에 외국에 살았어요"
P. S. Thank you for fixing earlier issues :З

Same course, last planet.

This means smth like “She didnt mean to hurt your feelings”, not “I didnt…”
Hope my pointing do a course a little bit better :>

And please tell me that language should i use here? English (sometimes i can be misunderstooded) or russian will be the best?

And i cant catch this sentense in the last planet of 5 part of korean course for russians:
"당신은 그의 기분을 상하게 했어요"
그 here means “his” or just like “그것, 그 기분”? I thought it is “his” because of 의, but russian translation says “my” instead of “his”.
Please tell me or fix it


Thank you for pointing this out.
I’ll check this with our Russian specialist and fix as soon as possible.
It is really useful. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

You can use Russian, If you want to use it. Our Russian specialist @pasha75 will help you!

항상 행복하시고 한국어 공부 화이팅~ 화이팅~ 열공하세요!

Na Young

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I’m currently having a hard time looking for the rest of the courses since the title suggests that there are 7 official Korean courses and yet I can only find 3 of them.

I just wanted to know if the rest are currently accessible or are up-coming in the near future

Check here

Sorry for the trail of links, too lazy to find the original post.

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Ah, so the rest of the courses are in the english(us) category, which can be accessed through the drop down menu in the courses tab.

or for easier access:

Thank you.


I have a question. In the Korean 2 Level 3 course, there’s a phrase that says 행운을 빌어요!, translated as “good luck!”. I believe these Memrise courses are created so we learners are able to speak the language in real life. Well, I wished good luck to a Korean friend, using exactly the same words and he just told me “Nobody says that!” with an intonation like saying “where did you get that?” or “that’s weird!”. Then I asked another Korean friend and she told me nobody really says “good luck!” like that, she told me it sounds like a book, even poetry. She told me a better way to say this is “힘내!” But maybe this is too informal?
I don’t know, I was just too happy to learn a new and useful phrase, but when I used it, it was just awkward and embarrassing.

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Or you could say “화이팅”. It has a more “upbeat” feel to it I think

화이팅 is a good way to say good luck, but if you speak with anybody in -요 form and reeeally want to say 힘내… Just add 요 ^^ (힘내요). It’s pretty common, at least on the internet
P.s. I think it is not working with -ㅂ니다 forms
-Sorry for my english-


There are 2 Korean courses: one for British English and one for US English. The Korean course for British English has 3 levels but the Korean course for US English has 7 levels. So if you want to learn more you can switch to the US one.

Have a lovely day!
한국어 공부 화이팅! 감사합니다.

Na Young

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I’d like to say Korean is tricky sometimes.
“Good luck!” means “행운을 빌어요!” and we use it in real situations. But as this sentence finishes with “~요”, it is quite a formal sentence (however it is not very formal formal, that’s why I said “tricky”). If you want to say to your friends, “힘내”, “화이팅”, “잘 할 수 있어!”, “걱정하지마!”, “다 잘 될거야!” then this is perfectly fine and they are more natural among friends instead of “행운을 빌어요”. However, if you were to say “힘내”, “화이팅” to your boss in Korea, he would look at you strangely :wink:

I am very happy to hear that you like to study Korean and I hope you keeping at it!

Thank you for your pointing this out and 화이팅 하세요! 감사합니다.

Na Young

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So maybe you should provide some background information like “this is mostly used in formal contexts” etc in the lesson, to give some nuance?
A good example to follow:

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Also the 의 in 당신의 is pronounced more like 에 than 의.

Will this course teach me the formal writing of Korean or will it show few polite words/sentences? Out of the 7 speech levels, which would this course be placed in? I tried looking through the posts above but couldn’t find a direct answer.

Well, I’ve only bothered completing Korean 1, but there the course mixes 반말 in with 존댓말 sentences. I would recommend Talk to me in Korean.

I guess Andreas did another version of the course, but Korean 1 I’ve looked at uses predominantly the -아/어요 form. I think there are only one or two more formal speech levels that are used for some typical expressions (e.g. 바부탁합니다 when asking for a table at the restaurant).

What I mean it is repeatedly uses informal (반말) 나 instead of the appropriate polite (존댓말) 저 in sentences ending with 요 (aka 존댓말).

Ok, I see what you mean now.

But what I read in the past as a summary of when to use which, was the following:

저 can be used naturally with ㅂ니다/습니다 and 아/어/여요 (or other endings from those respective levels of speech).
나 can be used naturally with 아/어/여요 and 아/어/여 (or other endings from those respective levels of speech, including (이)야).

저 can not be used with 아/어/여 (or other endings from that level of speech).
저, by its very nature, is humble and shows more respect than 나. Therefore, it cannot be used with 반말 (“half-speech”).

나 can not be used with ㅂ니다/습니다 (or other endings from that level of speech).
나, by its very nature, is casual and not as respectful as 저. Therefore, it cannot be used with 존댓말.

So, it would seem correct to use either 나 or 저 with 요 sentences…

Disclaimer, the one who wrote that summary is not a native speaker so it might be all wrong.

I got my “intel” from a native Korean, so I am pretty sure. Though I’ve heard elderly people might say 나 while keeping the 요-ending. But that is the exception.