[Course Forum] Korean 1-7 by Memrise

Wouldn’t 너 be the better option then? At least that is a word people commonly use (rather than 당신).

heh… no problem… i understoon in the meantime… thank you for taking time to reply!

I also noticed at level 15 in Korean 1, that “two people” is translated to “두 사람”. Wouldn’t it be more correct to use the counter “명”?
Like this: 한 명, 두 명, 세 명, 네 맹…*

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I recently started memrise with Korean lesson 4. Why do we need to use the pronouns in every sentence? For example, if the English prompt is “We will talk later,” I think both “우리는 나중에 말할 거예요” and “나중에 말할 거예요” should be acceptable answers since it is common to omit the pronoun in Korean. Additionally I think it would be better to omit any translation of “you” than to teach 당신, as this could make memrise users look rude when trying to speak Korean. Learners will just have to learn that in another language direct translation of every word isn’t possible and in Korean “you” is rarely specified.

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thanks for getting in touch with us.

We decided to keep the pronouns as this continued repetition will help learns understand and bear in mind the grammar. While yes, it is usually left out in conversational Korean, learning it this way and then omitting it later on makes more sense from a learning point of view.

There are different words for “you” and while 당신 is far from perfect, it works best for the purpose of the courses.

I hope my replies were useful.

Have a nice day and 한국어 공부 화이팅 하세요! 감사합니다.

Na Younga

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Hi! I’ve been having a problem with the Korean 1 course for some months. On the mobile app, it looks as though two different courses are merged, the old one and the new one:

I can only acces one of them as no progress is shown when I learn words from the other one. Does anyone have this same problem? I would be so grateful if anyone knew a fix!

Also I see some people mentioning a Korean 4 course? I only have 3… what am I missing haha?

Thank you!

thanks for getting in touch with us.
First of all there are 2 Korean courses: one for British English and one for US English. The Korean course for British English has 3 levels but the Korean course for US English has 7 levels. So if you want to learn more you can switch to the US one.

Regarding your issue, could you please log out and back into the application? A re-login sometimes solves the issue but if you still have problems please let my colleague @Joshua know.

I hope you have the coolest day today!
한국어 공부 열심히 하세요~ 감사합니다.

Na Young

Thanks so much Na Young, that worked!! And suddenly I have four new courses… I’m gonna be busy!!


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Also, I notice the 예요 endings is actually pronounced 예요. I’m pretty sure it is supposed to be 에요.
예를 들어서: 제 이름은 안드레아스예요 -> pronounced 제 이름은 안드레아스에요.
For reference to how it should be pronounced: https://www.memrise.com/course/534607/every-ttmik-lesson-levels-1-10/36/garden/preview/

Not sure I understood your comment, but if there is no pachim (roughly speaking, if it ends in a vowel), you should add 예요. If there is a pachim (basically, ends in a consonant), you should use 이에요.

What happens is the contraction of 이에 into 예 to ease pronunciation.

Now, I haven’t listened to the lesson you linked, so my answer may be off from what you’re asking.

What I’m referring to is the pronunciation, not the spelling. The pronunciation in the recorded audio sounds unnatural. I’ve also read (Elementary Korean 2nd Edition; Ross King, Jaehoon Yeon) that in those cases, the pronunciation must be 에요, not 예요.

Oops, my bad.

Good luck with your study.

Not sure if I understood your question. But using your example, “제 이름은 안드레아스예요”, it should be pronounced as [예요]. Although some Korean do simply pronounced it as [에요], it is really not the standard. As to the recording linked in your post, there’s nothing wrong with it. 선생님 ends with consonant, hence it uses 이에요. 안드레아스 ends with a vowel, hence it uses 예요. And, they should be pronounced as [이에요] and [예요] respectively. 선생님이에요 can also be pronounced as [선생니미에요].

Well, that’s just because it is the first. I can’t choose an individual example, so you have to push next till you come to examples ending with 예요.
With this sentence you hear a very clear 에: "제 여동생 이름은 탈리아나예요."
And then compare it to this in Korean 1: “당신은 정말 천재예요!” or “당신의 이름은 뭐예요?”. Which one sounds most natural?
Also with both http://translate.naver.com/#/ko/en and https://translate.google.com/#ko/en, when you hit the speaker, it is spoken as 에, not 예.
I’m fairly sure the reason you have 예 after vowels, is because it is a conjunction between 이 and 에, and not really spoken that way. I have yet to hear 예요 pronounced like 예요 any other place than in this course.

Official korean course for russian-speakers. Level 4, planet 2. A mistake for “당신은 아침에 뭐 하는 것을 좋아해요?” its gonna be “чем ты любишь заниматься по утрам?”. Now it means “당신은 월요일에 뭐 하는 것을 좋아해요?”

Korean course for russian-speakers. Chapter 3, planet 35.
“당신들은 누구와 갈 거예요?” translated as “с кем ты поедешь?” means “당신은 누구와 갈 거예요?”. Its gonna be “с кем вы поедете?”

Just asked a colleague to pronounce it. Native speaker. He pronounced 예요 as… [예요] (in a sentence).

Anyhow, I wouldn’t worry too much about this detail. Pronunciation varies from person to person, region to region. If you’re in Korea, I’d obviously not rely on Memrise to learn pronunciation. If you’re overseas, better rely on podcasts (Korean101, TTMIK,…) to learn pronunciation.

Memrise has its merits too, of course.

Pronunciation is my least of worries. I just think the spoken audio sound a tad too artificial. Some of the sentences doesn’t even sound coherent.
TTMIK at Memrise definitely has its merits. Too me that sounds natural. This course, not so much. ㅋㅋㅋ

Course 4 for rssians, planet 3.

삼 주 전 means “три недели назад”, not “삼 달 전” as it translated now

Just in case you’re interested, “3 months ago” should be “세 달 전(에)” or “삼 개월 전(에)”, at least on paper.