[Course Forum] Karen's Basics - American Spanish, East by karenbarker

Hola Daniel,

I moved the sound from the old “catorce” to the new location. Added “el norte” to Level 54, but had to move reembolsar to the very end level to keep it at 30. “El norte” is still in there somewhere else, but I don’t have time to look for it. I started this project when I had more time, but never had time to get & add audio for most of it. It just kind of grew, without much real order or thought on my part. I hoped I’d have more time when I retired, but that’s a real joke. I do still keep adding words as I run across more that I don’t know - not that I even remember all of these, but I keep hoping someday I’ll have more time to practice.

I don’t think I’ll ever really be fluent in Spanish. I started too late in life. They say you have to learn before age 11 to achieve fluency. Plus Spanish here in SW Florida is all over the place. I have friends from about 13 different Spanish countries. Sometimes they even have to ask each other what a word means. If I ask “como se dice en español” I sometimes get different answers. :roll_eyes:

But I keep trying. I love the Spanish culture and all the different people. They tend to be so warm & friendly too.



Well, I have confidence that you can learn if you are able to find the time. I’ve met people that have become fluent in languages later in life. Just requires a lot of elbow grease and motivation. I’ve personally just been really lazy over the years and finally just now disciplining myself to focus.
Thanks for the help and don’t give up. The mind is an amazing gift that continues to surprise doctors.

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I was wondering why a learning session suddenly contained “catorce” !

Thanks again for this course, Karen! Don’t apologize for the somewhat random nature of when new words are introduced; that’s part of why this course is excellent!

Hi Lurajane,

Well, I don’t know how I missed catorce in the first place. Duh. Obviously, I learned them all together. Lol. I’m sure I’ve got other goofs. I’m always time-challenged. So many interesting things to do - so little time!

It has been an interesting journey, coming across new words, tying to decide which ones I should add. Or coming across a word that everyone here has a different Spanish word for. Or I look up a word & they tell me they don’t use it that way. I’ve managed to crack everyone up a time or two or three with a word choice. Lol. I think the most recent time was with “mear” which happily I didn’t use, I just asked them if that was the right word. Lol

I could be wrong but some of the voices from the course sound “gringo”…

Probably, because it’s what I call American Spanish (Florida) so it’s a mixture from many different countries, plus exposure to English. I have Spanish friends that come from 11 different countries, but no doubt they’ve all been “Americanized” to some extent from living here and may sound part “gringo”. Lots of “Spanglish” here too. lol