[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Hi @DylanKing1999,

Thanks for the screenshots! I wasn’t aware that you were on the Dutch speakers’ course, it makes sense now. I have fixed it in the course you are learning, so if you log out and log in again, it should work this time.

For your information, the current JP course available in Dutch is actually an older version that we do no longer update. And I’m afraid it will take us a bit more time to translate the new version into Dutch. (I’m sorry)
In the meantime, if you are happy to learn in English, could I interest you in using this course below? This is better maintained and less likely for you to encounter bugs.

Thank you!


P.S. @DylanKing1999,

If you decide to re-start with the English course I gave above, there is a way to “Auto-learn” levels if you’ve already have completed in another course and want to skip it. You can only do this from the website, but if you open a level and click on “Options”, you can choose to “auto-learn” that particular level. Here is a screenshot;



Thanks for the tips. I have started using the English version.
I just wanted to let you know that the words have also been changed when learning hiragana in level 2 and 4. So it now says に = twee; 2 instead of ni, etc. This is probably going to confuse people who will follow this course after me.

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Hi, I’m new to memrise, so maybe there are reasons I’m not seeing…
Japanese 1 has kanji and katakana, whereas 2 and 3 don’t! Why?
As I only know kana but already have a sound knowledge of the language, the irony is, I quickly went through level 2 and 3 but not level 1!
Also, there is no consistency in the teachings: sometimes the sentence has to have “watashi ha” or “anata ha” and sometimes it doesn’t; sometimes “ga”, sometimes “ha” is used; sometimes the “masu” polite form of the verbs is used, sometimes the casual form is used instead!
Plus, there is no flexibility in the answers when typing (in the use of synonyms or other expressions or sentences with the same meaning - like Duolingo allows) all of which makes reviewing very hard. In other words, I have to remember EXACTLY how each sentence was written. For example, for a sentence with please, I must remember whether “kudasai” or “onegai shimasu” was used!
I found some mistakes, but can’t say precisely where anymore… - why not create a report bug button on the spot like Duolingo? Some sentences don’t match the audio. And “sumimasen” is written “suimasen”.

Having said that, congratulations on your hard work and thanks for the free use of this tool, it’s a great help!


what do you recommend?

Any news about when/if there will be more “official” Japanese courses (4-7 for example)?

I didn’t find another way to report a bug. I wish i’m in the right place.
In Level 9 (“Mais dos sons japoneses”) I encountered these mistakes:

Here the translation should be just “ri” instead of “rii”

And here the translation should be “bi”, not “bu”.

I’m doing the Japanese course in Portuguese with the App, and I noticed two error on the translation: The Ri is written as Rii, and the Bi is written as Bo. The sound is normal, but it probably will confuse people who aren’t paying full attention. Sorry if I’m in the wrong place. If so, please say where I should post this kind of thing. Thank you very much.

There was two As on a question, so I got it wrong because of it.

I second this. The difference is kind of important.

For English speakers, translating おちゃ as ‘green tea’, and こうちゃ as just ‘tea,’ could be best. At least for American English.

As for British English, they have enough different types of tea to give the Japanese a run for their money.

Hello @Helena_Poly,

Thank you for raising these! They are all very good points, and we are trying to address them in our current updating progress. It requires some system and platform updates for this, and it is taking some time for us, I’m sorry.

  1. It is true that the current course is not a friendly one for people who have not done kanji yet. We are looking into ways that we can alleviate this issue. The solution will probably happen gradually, and you will start with seeing the furigana with the kanji on every page. We hope to notify this to you when it happens.

  2. I cannot agree more! These will be one of the first things that will be addressed when the new platform is ready. Hoping to do this very soon.

  3. At the moment, we do not have plans to implement the bug report button, although we understand the benefit of having it. We currently rely on users reporting them to us via this forum and Google/Apple store reviews. I have recently checked the discrepancies of audio and text, so if you log in and log out again, they should be fixed by now. If you do find mismatches, still, I’d appreciate it if you could let us know. Thank you in advance!

Thank you very much for your valuable inputs. These help us a lot understanding what is important to the users.
Just for your information, we will be releasing a new course for US English speakers very soon… So if you are learning in US English, I advise you to check that out:slight_smile: (but this has kanji in all courses, so it may not be the most suitable course for you…)
Best wishes,


P.S. Although I have said that the US English course will be released soon, if you’d like to see immediately what they look like, here is the link to the UK English version of the same new course.


Hi @iansuckow1,

Thank you so much for flagging these, and I am sorry there have been such errors! I have now fixed them, so if you would log out and log in again, you should see the correct translations:slight_smile:
I hope you don’t give up on us and keep on learning!



Hi @carlostcsilva,

Thank you for bringing these to our attention, and I apologise for the errors. They have now been fixed and you should be able to see the correct versions once you log out and log in again.

Happy learning!


Hi @carlostcsilva.

Thank you for raising this issue, and your detailed explanations with the screenshot have helped us a lot to locate the problem. It is now fixed in Japanese for Portuguese speakers, so if you log out and log in again, you should be able to see the fix! Thank you again!


Hi @ziernth,

Good question, we are proofreading the draft now so it shouldn’t be long before they are released! Thank you for waiting!


Hi @burlingk,

Good point, at the moment お茶 is translated as “tea; green tea”, and we don’t have the word 紅茶 in the course yet. We are in the progress of redesigning the Japanese course, so I will look into how to teach those differences in the future courses. Thank you for flagging this up again!

By the way, おちゃ includes ALL Asian tea, not only green tea but also mugicha, hoojicha, uuroncha, kombucha… so on. But I agree that we still need to differentiate them from black tea.

Additionally, if you are learning on the US English course, we will be releasing a new US English course very soon, so watch out for it:))



Awesomeness! :smiley:

Thank you for taking the time to reply.
OK, I’ll try to remember to make a note of future mistakes, so I can let you know.
Best wishes!