[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

There are many inconsistencies between the audio and text for the same phrase in Japanese 1-3.

Most of the inconsistencies comes from having the other furigana and romanji pronunciation of the same kanji characters.
For example [Japanese 3 Level 15] 間 is pronouced as あいだ but the displayed pronouciation is ma/ま. These bugs are relatively minor.

A more serious example is in Japanese 3 Level 17 where
私のお母さんも時計を欲しがっています測ります is pronounced without the 測ります part.

There are other examples of inconsistencies and I hope the QA team can find all the bugs.

I saw that too but after a few lessons “Meet the Natives” returns in Japanese 2. I like that feature too. Reminds one to appreciate the very clear and precise official Memrise voices compared to some of the Natives, but even most of the kidz are speaking as clearly as possible, it seems. I would prefer a few more mumbled machine gun deliveries. I deep memory know at least a thousand Japanese words, but overheard a couple of Japanese girls talking the other day in a coffee shop and almost didn’t understand a single word. They were mumbling, not enunciating at all, and talking rapid fire as native speakers tend to do. Understanding dawns very slowly I know.

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I caught a mistake in Japanese 1.

There are two "Goodbye"s as possible answers, but only one is marked as being correct.

So i started using memrise mobile app a couple of days ago and when i reached level 5 i encountered some words with symbols that weren’t introduced before, an example of this would be くin ください or 行 in 行こう!. I found this strange, so i decided to go check the website version to see if there was any difference and surprisingly there was a lot more symbols in level 4 when i first entered the site (hadnt logged in yet), like Ku, Ki, Da ( i think, and much more, i cant most of them now) and i thought “Thank god, at least here the level is complete” but as soon as i logged in all the “new” symbols disappeared.
I’ve tried everything by now, i cant seem to get them back. As anyone come across this problem, or something like this??

thank you all in advance!

Please list the Japanese Course if you expect any help for there are many of these.

Isn’t “Japanese 1” the name of the course? :confused:

There are 2 Courses that start with Japanese 1

If you are using the first one, drop that one, Memrise does not support and update this one. The replacement is the second one.

Oh im using the second one and that answers my problem, the first one has all the symbols in level 4 ( this must be the one i Saw before logging in and go to what im actually taking, the second one)
Im sorry for my ignorance, but is it ok to learn words without having learned all the symbols that compose them? Because im finding it kinda hard to move on with the course, jumping to words with symbols i’ve never seen before :confused:
But thanks you so much, i didnt notice that there were actually two Courses :smile:

Hello @Furst_Wasserbrakken,

Thank you for your enquiry. You are right, the Memrise official courses after Japan 3 are up-coming and are not available yet. You should be able to see them on your course when they are available! Meanwhile there are many other user-generated courses for leaners of Japanese, which might be of your interest!

Happy learning!


Hi @orangeplasticgoldfis,

Thank you for your enquiry! You should be able to watch the meet the native videos on your Japanese 2 course. The videos are not available for every single item, so you may find that some items do not have videos.
If you are still having trouble with this, please try logging out and logging in again. It also may be worth checking that you have the latest version.

Happy learning!


Hello @Sgt_Podding,

Thank you for pointing out a very valid point! You may still have the old version of our course. In our updated course for Japanese 1-3, we have different English translations for those two items. Please try logging out and logging in again to access our latest version. If the problem persists, please let us know again and we will look into it for you!

Happy learning!


Hello @Sgt_Podding,

Again, very important point! Thank you very much for explaining in details where you found the problem as well. You should no longer see this problem in the latest version of our course. Please log out and log in again to access the latest version.

Thank you!


Hello @peaceandhendrix37,

Thank you for your question! The current official courses teach in kanji and all hiraganas. This is what you probably got on your phone.
The old courses will include introductions of these new characters and are still available, but they just won’t come up at the top of the list at the moment.
Please try accessing the course from this link on your phone:slight_smile:

Please let me know if you are looking for the same course in another language, and I can send you the link for that!

Happy learning!


Hi @peaceandhendrix37,

I’m sorry, I saw this after my last reply.
I think will be good to continue learning on the old courses for a while and move onto the new one when you feel confident enough. Confidence is very important in learning new things! Maybe learn all the Hiraganas on the old version, and go on to the new version after that!

The benefit of learning on the new version is that you will be introduced to the phrases how they will actually be written in Japan (Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji all mixed). Hiragana (いく、たべる…) only represent the sounds, and things are mostly written in Kanji (行く、食べる…) if you are in Japan.

The old courses are still available, but as @GabrieleCramer-Knebe has kindly pointed out, be aware that the old versions will not be updated, and there are a few overlaps on the phrases with the new version.

I hope this helps!



Hi @Cinamaldehyde,

Thank you for reporting this to us! Our developer is now looking into this issue. I will let you know again when the problem is fixed.

Thank you!


Since this thread seems to be monitored again, let me restate what I said before.

~すぎです and ~すぎます are used interchangeably. This is correct, I suppose, but unfortunately we can only answer with one option. Like マリアさんはお金を持ちすぎです and 私は三キロ重すぎます. Could you make all such entries accept either option?

Sometimes the を-particle is left out. I suppose it’s left out often in speech, but it produces some inconsistencies. From the top of my head, セールしています / 本屋はセールをしています and 取引します / 取引をしましょう! are two examples.

Would be great if this can be done! Thanks!

I also found another inconsistency:
近くです uses the polite form, while 早く does not.

Hi @88Timothy,

Thank you very much for highlighting this again, yes we are monitoring this thread again and I will do my best to clear problems raised here!

You are right, 〜すぎです and 〜すぎます can be used interchangeably in some context, but they actually convey slightly different nuances. For example. While マリアさんはお金を持ちすぎです means “Maria has too much money”, マリアさんはお金を持ちすぎます means “Maria tends to have too much money”. The differences between 私は三キロ重すぎます and 私は三キロ重すぎです are more subtle, only that the former one is more natural. In this case, I think you are right that the latter version should also be accepted as a correct answer. We will look into making this change.

Regarding the second and third points, the purpose we had in mind when designing the JP courses was to teach the more natural, and native-sounding expression as possible. This meant that the team focused more on the expressions used in speech. I understand that this is now causing confusion in some cases, so I will also look into straightening the consistencies in the course. Thank you for your valuable suggestions!

Happy learning!


Thanks for your response! One other thing I mentioned before that was not completely fixed is the entry 航空便が遅れています in Japanese 3, level 37. This translated to “the airmail is delayed” rather than “the flight is delayed” (and the audio even says 空港便が遅れています). At the time, Mariko told me the best translation for flight is probably フライト, and this was fixed for the single noun, but in this small sentence it was overlooked.