[Course Forum] Japanese 1-7 by Memrise

Now that you say it, it totally makes sense… :sweat:
Thanks a lot for the tip!

My progress in Japanese ground to a halt as soon as I hit ones which demanded that I type in Hiragana. I turned on the Hiragana keyboard for Mac, but even this wasn’t good enough because for some reason there is apparently a big /small character difference that I have no idea how to type. (I was trying to type ‘choushiwa dou’, but typing chi + yo+ u wasn’t cutting it. I needed a mini ‘yo’, but there is no indication in the Mac Japanese typing interface on how this is done.) I typed the characters as I knew them, but I still got some of them wrong.

This course needs to be amended such that it pauses and makes a digression into how to type Hiragana on Mac and Windows. It cannot be presumed that the student will automatically know how to do this; the student, after all, is learning the language and would have no reason to know how to do this. And the demand to type in Hiragana is not foreshadowed; it suddenly appears at lesson 6. I suspect every single other newcomers to the Japanese courses also run into this problem.

I don’t own a mac, so my tip might not be of any help but try the following:

Type ’Cho’ on the keyboard and the input should change to this ’ちょ’. This indicates the ‘y’ has been dropped.
If that doesn’t work you can try the cumbersome input of ‘xyo’. So technically you would type the following ‘chixyouhadou’

Hope that helps.

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Yeah as RottenMash says sometimes it “gets” you are typing a word that uses a small ゃ、ゅ、ょ and it makes it small for you, other times you just have to press x before typing や、ゆ、よ to make it the small version.

To type the diphthongs you type only the first letter of the first kana:
k+ya = きゃ
k+yu = きゅ
k+yo = きょ

To type the small tsu (っ) you just type first letter of the next kana twice:
shi + t + te + i + ma + su = しっています

To type a ん followed by a vowel or at the end of a word just type the n key twice.

n + n + a = んあ
n + n = ん

If you need any more help just ask


I’m not sure if it has been reported before, but I’m in Part 15 of Japanese 1 in the Cracking Kanji section. The Kanji for Bamboo displays as a square box (like an image that won’t load). All of the others display correctly. Has anyone else had this issue? I’d like to continue to study the Kanji chapters as they’re really helpful, but I don’t want to memorise Bamboo as the wrong thing!


私はパスタは好きではありません is appearing in a writing quiz in japanese 1 - Level 11 but second はshould be が, also quiz does not accept any answer so far, neither with ga or ha.

Also many times there could be for example two “water” because of mizu and oyu, so I got it wrong one time by picking “water”.

Also there are few cases where answers in Japanese and English are mixed, but language is specified. I will provide screenshots later on.

Do attributes follow what is written in “original” field?

Japanese: でんわばんごうはなんですか?

attribute: あなたの電話番号は何ですか?

There is extra “anatano” at the beginning.

In Japanese 3 by Memrise:

Level 21-
“24. Hug me” doesn’t always say the right term in speech. It happens sometimes (not always). It’s supposed to say " ha-gu-shi-te"

"25. My mom also wants a watch"
The ど in the sentence should be replaced with と ( as in とけい - which means ‘watch/clock’). It should be " わたしのおかあさんもとけいがほしがています "

Hi everyone, thanks for all your feedback and reports.
Just to let you know it may be a little while until @MarikoMizutani can look into them.
She’s busy getting married :sparkling_heart::ring::tada:
We look forward to having her back at the office in a couple of weeks.


I suppose getting married is a good excuse. :slight_smile: Congratulations, @MarikoMizutani!

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There are two forms of “what’s up?” in the Japanese 1 course. The first wants a phonetic answer of “choushiwa dou?” where as the second wants “chiyoushihadou”. Unfortunately, it is rather hard to tell these apart, and I had the misfortune to have both come up on a review session.

I experience the exact same thing. The kanji for bamboo is a square box but there is a mem (by raquelmtzh) where it appears correctly.

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In Japanese 2, there’s a sentence, “どこしゅっしんですか?”

However, the text hint is “あなたはどこ出身ですか?” The issue is the extra “あなたは” on the beginning is not spoken in the audio hint, and will cause an answer to be rejected. I assume the text hint is in error.

The sentence “あなたわにひんしゅっしんですか?” has a similar problem, as its text hint is “あなたはイギリス出身ですか?” The text hint asks about England, whereas the actual sentence asks about Japan.

I’m also experiencing the issue regarding the tilde character in typed responses. The “space after tilde” trick seems to work, but without checking the forums, there’s no way to know about that.

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Japanese 1 Level 10 Pasta is spelled wrong. Or rather it isn’t spelled wrong, but its using Hiragana when it should be using Katakana. Since the course doesn’t teach Katakana, it’d be better if words related to it aren’t taught.

Edit: Looking more closely at things. A majority of the words in that level are wrong simply because they aren’t spelled in Katakana.

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The answer that wants “chiyoushihadou” is one that you need to type the hiragana for it while the other one you spell with the phonetics.

That doesn’t help the fact that you cannot differentiate them from one another.

Im doing course 1 and i wish there wouldn’t be any katakana words before katakana are learned or at least program would take correct katakana spelling as right answer. Other problem is that when there are multiple choice questions and sentences are long, i simply don’t have enough time to read those so often i just need to guess quickly something before time runs out. Often choice is based on just last word or some key letters that stand out from sentence while giving it sweeping glance. Not biggy since theres not so many long sentences so far but that katakana words written with hiregana is crime against everything learning and teaching is supposed to be.


I’ve had this problem in another course. The reason there was that the kana input mode wrote the tilde in full width, while alphanumeric mode writes it half-width, which the computer sees as two different characters.

Full width: あ = ~
Half width: _A = ~

Not sure if this is the same problem?

In Japanese 3 by Memrise:

22.Measuring things:

'14. She weighs 60 kilograms.'
In this, the “ろくじゅう” should be written as such, instead of “ろくじゆっ”.

24.Navigation class:

'9. Chopsticks’
Though chopsticks and bridge have the same scripts, but in this context, it should be " はし- Bridge ".

24.Navigation class:

'19. The bridge is very close’
The smaller script (in the box) starts with “その” , whereas it doesn’t say or read such in the audio or larger scripts.


'15. Which country do you want to visit?'
It should be " どちらのくにをおとずれたいですか?"

32.Navigation class:

’ 9. To travel '
The playback should be “Ryokosuru” instead of “yokosuru”

36.We’re going out…:

'11. To go out for dinner’
The playback reads “ゆうしよくにでかける” but the written scripts end with “ます”