[Course Forum] It's over 9000! words with audio [Japanese]

I am personally able to download onto iOS with Audio. I .just have the mobile bug, where some Audio Questions are all the same… but i have this for every course.

If this is a big problem with the download not working, you should probably create a new thread for the bug. It’s probably not something i can fix :wink:

This course name just made me laugh haha you should do at least some audio with vegeta’s english voice with words that are clear. It’d be keeping to the theme of the meme :smile:

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7 答え sounds like へた and Level 10 何か sounds like おんど

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Is this course still being developed? It seems there are a lot of words that don’t have a translation in the English one yet.

I am personally not using the course atm, since i have a german equivallent. I try to fix the errors i can find when users point them out, and of course if you want to contribute, i can add you to the contributers list.

Where is text missing? I know that there is not enough audio after the first 1000-2000 words… But i just checked and was unable to find any missing text.

Since this course was computergenerated out of an existing Anki course, i would be suprised to see translations missing.

Can you give me the word that lacks a translation?

Literally all the levels from level 18 to level 298 are missing translations and audio to the point that Memrise won’t even start the session for those (also level 17 is different than the ones before it as well, not showing the translation unless you go to that word’s page (and I assume the following practice sessions don’t show that translation at all unless you don’t make up the pronunciation with the kanji…))

Hey @DawsonNonn89,

sorry, for the late reply…
You are right, the data is missing. I did not look at the levels but at the database in the background.

There we have audio for the first 1599 words. The translation should exist for all the words.

The problem must have occured as i generated the levels from the database…
I can redo this, but i am not sure, if this might reset any progress of existing users.

I probably will try to regenerate the levels > 17. Have you found any errors in the levels smaller than 17?
I think the progress is saved on a word basis… but i am not 100% sure.



In Level 10 (801-900 words) 何か doesn’t have the right audio ;^;

Are you still working on the problem, cause level 15 & 16 have no Hiragana attribute, level 17 has audio in the english translations spot and the translation below the Japanese word, and 87 onward have no translations and don’t show up on preview or learning mode.

I love this deck, because I really don’t like how you can’t type on the anki version of this deck, but this bug is kinda killing the deck.

@Jackcl: Sorry for the late reply. I am aware of this problems. However i switched to Anki now - for similar reasons, because i don’t have the time to fix them all. If you want to be made an author of this deck you can write me :wink: I can also provide you with audio if you need so.


Hello Xlaech,

I’m currently learning this course and I saw that the later levels are not complete. I’d love to help adding audio files and Eng. translation (since I cannot see translation for the later levels either) to this course! Is it possible that you make me a contributor? And (if you would) some instructions on where to start best?


Hey Leslie_Li,

i just added you to the course. I would strongly recommend, that you do any changes to the database instead of the courses themselves (because i have recogniced a lot of bugs - last year though). When you are on the Course just go to edit and than databases->Japanese Data.


Hi Xlaech,

Thank you!! One more question: do you have a set of translations and audios ready somewhere, or did you manually compile everything from a dictionary?

I’m only at the first ~500 words or so but I really enjoy the course! Thanks for putting it up :slight_smile:



Hey Leslie,

the original audio and translations can be found in the original Anki course. I think it was this one: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2112246396

Getting the audio and an excelfile for the data required some tool/it skills. I can look if i can find my old data when i am home again. But with google you probably find a way to export those.


Hi Nicolas,

Thank you! One more thing though: in the course page, I cannot see the “edit course” button at where I actually would see it. Is there something else that I should do, or does the system take a while to recognize me as the contributor?


Also, sorry for the second email, but after some attempts, I still couldn’t seem to retrieve the audio. Could you see if you still have them? For the text extraction, all seems fine :slight_smile:


Sorry my bad. Now you should see the edit button.
I can look for the audio tonight. I am now on the go.


Thanks! Now I can see the edit button. Just checking - any luck on the audio?

How many words does it have becasue in the later cpurse i am unable to study them ? i thought it had 29000 words ?

How many levels actually work because it only works with the beginner levels for me