[Course Forum] Italian 1-7 by Memrise

Hi @trevro,

I can’t find the item you’re referring to. Section 4 of the Italian course doesn’t have a level 59. Are you following the course for British English or American English? Could you specify the name of the level, please?


My mistake, it was a different course I was thinking of. Sorry for the confusion.

@trevro Just a heads up,
avrebbero stato it’s highly ungrammatical. First of all, there’s no agreement (avrebbero is plural whereas stato is singular). Secondly, the verb essere never takes avere as its auxiliary (as the verb avere never uses essere as auxiliary: it’s always essere stato and avere avuto). Also, there’s no permanent vs temporary state in Standard Italian as in Spanish for example. Maybe you should report this to the course owner, unless you’re learning a course on an Italian dialect which I might not be aware of :wink:

Hope that helps,

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Course Forum] Learn Italian Conjugation by EasyAcademy (now “_del_Community._180418083233”)

In the Italian 1 Course i keep getting errors after I’ve typed and spelled these words correctly, is there any anyway to fix this? And the words “bello” and “inglese”. Thanks for your time


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I was told that this would be a better place for my question so that @MatildeBC can answer. My original post is found here:

So I noticed that in lesson 16 of Italian 2, the phrase for “the wallet” is “il portafogli”. Can someone explain why it isn’t “il portafoglio”, which would make more sense for the singular object? Google translate recognizes “il portafoglio” as the proper translation, as does DuoLingo. In this case, is there some discretion between what a dictionary would say vs. what people actually say in real life? Or perhaps is it a typo?


It’s really horrible having words with both a male and female natural gender included as a single word. Either just one of the genders should be included or both should be included as separate words. These words for example:

il nonno; la nonna - the grandpa; the grandma
l’amico; l’amica - the friend
il fidanzato; la fidanzata - the boyfriend; the girlfriend
il bambino; la bambina - the child; the kid
il ragazzo; la ragazza - the boy (the guy); the girl

I’m sure there are others.

@MatildeBC A question regarding the two different translations of ‘paese’. When it translates to ‘country’ it is spelled with a capital ‘P’. Is this just to differentiate the two words in the Memrise courses, or are you supposed to write ‘Paese’ when you are referring to a country?

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Hi @elijahbesibonbo,

I’ll get @BeaTrisy to look into this, thanks for reporting it!


Hi @t-hero

Thanks for your input. I’ll pass this one to our Content Localisation Manager. Hopefully we’ll be able to find the right way of introducing this kind of items.


Hi @elijahbesibonbo,

So we’ve looked into that. There seems to be no code issue in there, so we realised that the only reason for that behaviour is that you’re actually using a capital “i” instead of the “l” (of love), making the system detect your answer as ing[capital i]ese. Same thing is probably happening with the item “bello”. We’re aware of this font issue, and we’re working to fix it, in the meantime, please try to pay extra attention to the letters you’re using when you have ls and capital is in your answer tray. Apologies for any frustration this might have caused you :frowning: Hope it’ll get fixed soon!


Hi @Jan-ErikJ,

So, it’s not strictly wrong if you write ‘paese’ when referring to a country, but we do use it when writing to clarify and give more resonance to the concept of country as a State. :blush: : And yes, in the context of Memrise it also helps us to distinguish the two items without adding any further specification haha! :wink:

Hope this helps,


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that is not true: the user is not typing the wrong letter, but your system is mixing the “l” like in love with the capital I or what ever- I have encountered his issue related to l like in love in all sort of courses… when i asked what it is wrong was told that the mistake it is at my end. Now, please…

Hi @Hydroptere,

I’m sorry the issue is still present. As we’re looking into it and trying to fix it, could you please let me know whether your device is iOS or Android?

Thank you!


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Italian - German level 2/7

il genitore is translated into German as “das Elternteil”

Well guys as for “Teil” there are some uses where the word is neutrum and no masculine for “Elternteil” is only one possibility and that is “der Elternteil”.

That should be changed.

All the best

Hi @belloeinvincibile,

Thank you for pointing out the issue, we will fix it as soon as possible!


This might be a topic for Memrise-at-Large rather than just Italian, but since I’m using Memrise to learn Italian, I decided to post it here.

I sure would like to have an option to include the longer phrases and sentences as ones that might have to be typed out “long hand” by the student (while retaining the other options - multiple choice, pick and order the words, audio recognition, etc.). Even if Memrise was “unforgiving” and required an exact match (not easy for the student for longer phrases and sentences), I think this would be a good enhancement to this program! Maybe it could be a user-selectable option to turn this feature on or off. At the beginning levels it may be too much to ask the student to spell the longer phrases and sentences exactly correctly, but later on… maybe not a bad idea.

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Ola…estou com uma dúvida…peço desculpa por ser uma dúvida boba…
Comecei o curso de italiano 1 essa semana e apesar de ter selecionado o português (Brasil) aparecem pra mim dois cursos Italiano 1: um em inglês e outro em português.

Eu estou fazendo os dois, mas eles são complementares?

Obrigada, Patrícia

Olá @Patricia_Baeta86, td bom?

Obrigado pela mensagem!

Na verdade, os cursos não são complementares, mas sim versões quase iguais, adaptadas para diferentes idiomas (neste caso, o inglês e o português).

Assim, se você fizer o “Italiano 1” e o “Italian 1”, verá que eles são praticamente idênticos.
É melhor escolher apenas um deles e seguir seus estudos. =)

Qualquer outra dúvida, estamos à disposição.



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Hello, in the Memrise Italian 1 for English Speakers course the words buongiorno and buonanotte are written out spaced (buon giorno and buon notte) in the App. If I am not mistaken there shouldn’t be any space in either one.