[Course Forum] Intermediate German by Blo

Marked all 3 as alternatives for each other

eintragen is not to enter - ( in eine Liste o. Ä. schreiben (als Markierungen o. Ä.) einzeichnen (Amtssprache) in Bezug auf etwas eine rechtsgültige o. ä. Eintragung vornehmen sammelnd an einer bestimmten Stelle zusammentragen; irgendwohin tragen (besonders
von Stoffen, die im Ăśkologischen Bereich eine Rolle spielen) zufĂźhren,
hineinbringen; hineingelangen, eindringen lassen Ertrag abwerfen, Gewinn bringen; einträglich sein (als Folge seines Handelns, Verhaltens o. Ä.) jemandem zuteilwerden lassen; einbringen)

fĂźgen - to add, to join
ergänzen - to add, to fill

der Beschäftigter (there was an error) and der Arbeitnehmer marked as synonyms

gewaltig and riesig - already marked as synonyms

eintragen - to enter, to record
eintreten - to enter, to occur (marked as synonym to betreten)
betreten - to enter (marked as synonym to eintreten)

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I’ve updated course by adding and deleting new course level. It should help.

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Hi. There are a number of words that are both verbs and nouns in English. For example, when I see “attack” I’m not immediately sure whether to interpret it as “an attack” and “to attack”. I know there is a tag below the word that says noun/verb/adjective, but it’s small and I usually try to move through the list quickly.

It would help greatly if you could put the word “the” in front of nouns—“the attack” instead of “attack”. It would also serve as a reminder to type der/die/das. Here’s a list of words I’ve gotten tripped up on so far:

die Forschung / research
die Praxis / practice
der Besuch / visit
das Zeichen / sign
der Verein / club
das Zentrum / centre
der Anschlag, der Angriff / attack
die Spur / track
der Partner / partner
das Objekt / object
der Type / type
die UnterstĂźtzung / support
die Sorge / worry
der Schaden / damage
der Wind / wind


This is a good suggestion, however, to apply such change to whole course it could take a lot of time. I’ve applied “the fix” to suggested words only.


Understandable. Thanks for making the changes.

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Hi again. I keep getting tripped up on “der Lauf/the course” because I think of a course of study, not a running course. Could you please update the English to say something more specific, such as “the running course, the course of events” or whatever you feel is appropriate?

Changed translation to: “the run, (onward movement) the course”

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One more duplicate English translation:

Suspicion has both Ahnung and Verdacht.

Ahnung- 'hunch, idea, suspicion’
Verdacht- probably ok as just ‘suspicion’.

Ahnung is not “suspicion”. Changed translation to anticipation. Left Verdacht as “suspicion”

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Thanks. I thought ‘Ahnung’ might be better as ‘notion, idea’ but up to you. At least it is unambiguous.

Another duplicate:
I just found that GmbH and Aktiengesellschaft (AG) have the same translation ‘Corporation’. Both are companies (Firma) but subsets. GmbH is like a UK Ltd company (may be private), AG is a stock-traded company.

Right now “die GmbH” = “limited liability company”
“die Aktiengesellschaft”="corporation"
I’ve added clarification “joint-stock company” to “die Aktiengesellschaft”.

You’re right, my mistake. Thanks for clarifying it.

Gesetzlich and Rechtlich (legal) are additional (non-accepted) duplicates.

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Marked them as synonyms.

May I make a suggestion concerning the pesky “synonyms” and disambiguating them?

I had the same problem when I started using memrise to learn Swedish. Eventually, I was made a course contributor for the courses I was using and was able to make changes.

For words like “das Team”, I would simply write “(loan word)” after the word in question, and “not a loan word” for “die Mannschaft”.

For words that are indeed very similar, finding phrases where only one of the “synonyms” is used and not another and adding that to the definition, dictionary style, is a useful hint for the people taking the course, with the added benefit that they also get a two-for-one offer :slight_smile:

So, with the word “die Ahnung”, I would maybe write an entry that looked like this:

1. an idea, a notion; 2. an anticipation; 3. [keine ~!] no idea! I don’t have a clue!

The phrase “keine Ahnung” is really really common in German, so it would be cool if people learnt it alongside the basic meanings of the word, in my humble opinion.

I have been doing this for the four-part course “8,000+ Most Common Swedish Words by sehiralti” and have had very positive feedback about these additions.

I am now able to read Swedish fiction and so, when I am reading, I note down phrases. I recently bought myself a decent smartphone so I now use my phone for this : I add them to the app Google Docs (which syncs with my Chromebook instantly) and then I can just copy and paste them into the memrise database.

Anyway, just thought I would pass on my solutions for this pesky synonym problem. I hope they might give you some inspiration for the future!


I even asked people what they thought of the examples I was offering and one of the replies was this:

“I like the examples and find them very useful. It’s helpful to know how some of the more common phrases are put together. And for me, the small amount of info that’s given away by this approach isn’t a problem. I much prefer it over being given a single word that could have several correct translations – that had been a source of increasing frustration for me in the official courses.”


In 25-50 for ‘außerhalb’, one of the audio files actually says ‘draußen’ instead. Found another one in 126-150, for ‘schwach’ one of the audio files is saying ‘schlimm’.