[Course Forum] HSK 6 by Malstronikus

Yes I would, thanks

@Tyuan471 Okay, youā€™ve been added as a contributor.

Hi @neoncube and everyone

Iā€™m doing this course and itā€™s driving me crazy the inconsistency, sometimes you can input just the verb, sometimes you have to input to+verb, and some other stuff.

For starters: åæč€
Dictionary definition; to endure / to bear with / to exercise patience / to restrain oneself / patience / endurance

Memrise only accepts ā€œto show restraintā€. I always get it wrong because I learned it as ā€œto endureā€ and itā€™s not accepted.

č“Ŗę±” memrise only accepts ā€œcorruptionā€ but this also means ā€œto be corruptā€.

And many more.

Please, could you kindly add the other alteratives? If you want to add me as a contributor, I will gladly contribute to make it more consistent and according to dictionaries. My Memrise username is Kaimi.


Hi @Kaimi. Iā€™ve added you as a contributor. Contribute away! :slight_smile:


Thank you so much :smile:

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No problem! :grin: