[Course Forum] German 1-7 by Memrise

Hi Linh

I just realised that because I have the “all typing” script is why not having the plurals marked was an issue for me. If those phrases are typically set as only tapping and multiple choice questions (which I’m guessing they are) it shouldn’t matter. Well, I definitely appreciate you marking the plurals so I can work out these phrases on typing tests because I don’t feel like I learn words/phrases which don’t sometimes make sure I can recall them on my own like I would have to if I wanted to say it.


I am now going through German 5 and I find harder and harder to remember all the ambiguities. It is also very frustrating to fail at watering simply because I use a different valid form.
Please note that I use the all typing extension in firefox, so many of these imprecisions might not lead to mistakes on the app or the multiple choice exercises.
I made a list of what I could keep track of. Most are about you (formal) vs you (informal).
The format is:
German coursenumber: original english = original german -> proposed english

German ?: I want to buy some clothes = ich möchte etwas zum Anziehen kaufen -> I want to buy something to put on/wear

German ?: get well soon = gute besserung -> have a good recovery

German 3: come, come on = komm jetzt -> “come on” or “come; come on”

German 4: I didn’t want to come, but I had to = ich wollte nicht mitgehen, aber ich musste -> I didn’t want to go/join, but I had to

German 4: I ordered a pizza = ich habe mir eine Pizza bestellt -> I ordered a Pizza for me

German 4: did you see the game yesterday? = habt ihr gestern das Spiel gesehen? -> “did you see the game yesterday? (plural)” or “did you guys see the game yesterday?”

German 5: the Bus trip = die Busfahrt -> the Bus ride
Unless busfahrt in german actually means a bus trip, like a whole day outing (school trip, etc). Google translate seems to agree with me.

German 5: this is the match of the century = das ist das Spiel des Jahrhundert -> this is the game of the century

German 5: I have to examine your chest = ich muss Ihre Brust untersuchen -> I have to examine your chest (formal)

German 5: you aren’t going to die = Sie sterben nicht -> you are not going to die (formal)
I would say that already using “aren’t” makes it informal

German 5: you have a rare disease = Sie haben eine seltene Krankheit -> you have a rare disease (formal)

German 5: your wife is pregnant = Ihre Frau ist schwanger -> your wife is pregnant (formal)

German 5: I have to examine your chest = ich muss Ihre Brust untersuchen -> I have to examine your chest (formal)

German 5: this is the match of the century = das ist das Spiel des Jahrhunderts -> this is the game of the century
Actually “das Spiel = the game” and “das Match = the match” are actually two excercises in German 5, so mixing them in a sentence like without giving a reason is extremely annoying

German 5: we used to live abroad = wir haben früher im Ausland gewohnt -> we used to stay abroad
This one is actually very confusing and relies solely on memory because of this other translation:
we used to live in America, but we moved = wir haben früher in amerika gelebt, aber wir sind umgezogen
From wat I understand wohnen and leben have two different meanings (a quick search led me to https://germanwithnicole.com/blog/11-deutsch-lernen/111-wohnen-vs-leben), so this should be reflected in the english version. And I think a “stay abroad” correctly captures a non permanent living like the case of an exchange student.

German 5: the chancellor is an excellent leader = die Kanzlerin ist eine hervorragende Anführerin -> the chancellor is an excellent leader (female)



Hi Linh,

I’ve been working on the course German 1 (by Memrise) for around one month (20 hours in total). I explored the content of the next course, German 2, today, and I saw A LOT of words that I already studied in German 1. Why is that? I also noticed that some of the content of German 2 should have been introduced in German 1 to support some of the expressions taught in that course. To be frank, this makes me think that the German 1-7 series is not well designed at all. Not to mention the weird sequence of levels: 1, 3 ,5 , 6, 8, … as well as the uneven distribution of content, some leves having 8 words, others 34!!

Are you working on these issues?



Only in this version of the course:

But there’s another one which wasn’t updated:

Same for swapped beef and pork on level 12.

Looks like 32 and beef/pork are fixed now.

Hi @interactomica,

sorry for the late reply, I wanted to wait for our official announcement to be published before I address this feedback. What you’ve probably experienced is the switch from the previous German 1 course to the new and revised German 2 course. Please see this thread for a more thorough explanation: New Year, New Courses!

If you have any questions or feedback concerning this general change, please add your questions in that thread, so we can have a more holistic view of all the feedback about our new courses. If you have remarks concerning the content of the German course, please continue asking them here.

Apologies for any inconveniences, but I do hope you like the new and revised German content :de:

Happy learning!

Hi @antonkhorev2964,

thanks for spotting, one of the courses is for English UK speakers, while the other one is for English US speakers. It’s now updated for both courses.

Thanks and happy learning!

I just want to say I like dragonmang87’s post and I share the same feeling.

Also, in German 1, could “es tut mir leid” be another possible translation of “I’m sorry”?


both in German 1 and German 2 Level 2 is missing, so it is actually impossible to complete the course: it always shows you should learn more words, but they are not there. Would be nice if you can correct this.

Text and robo voice both use

“Die haben sogar einen Wellnessbereich.”

Shouldn’t this be “Sie haben…”???

Yes, it should, as “Die” means the. The masculine version I think? I’ll move this onto the German Course Forum. Happy Memrising! :tada: @linh.vu, can you have a look at this? Thanks. :hugs:

Nein. Das ist nicht richtig! No, that is inorrect. Sie is the pronoun here. Translation as it currently exists: The have. Should be Sie haben:They have.

Have had this thought before about the exact same phrase. Thought perhaps… * shrugs * I don’t know what I thought… Just stowed the expected translation away and forgot about it – I’m so lazy about reporting mistakes. It’s somewhere near the start of the new German 2, yes?

Also, @MarshallLanguages – thought you spoke some German… Bist du blau, lol? ‘Die’ is definitely feminine! Or plural, I suppose. But firstly feminine : D

“Die haben sogar einen Wellnessbereich.” Ist absolut richtig!

Dieses “die” ist ein Demonstrativpronomen (https://www.deutschplus.net/pages/Demonstrativpronomen_der_die_das)

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I can confirm this as a native German speaker.


Sorry for providing false info. :frowning:

Please explain why “Die” is correct. This is the plural form of the definite article “the”. If the sentence needs a subject, and it does, “Sie”, meaning “they” is necessary. “Sie haben” means “They have” but "Die haben " means “The have”. This doesn’t make sense.

I read the article you linked to. Thanks, but this is confusing and advanced beyond the current level. Without any preparation for use of constructions, such as these, the learner is lost. There’s no anchor.

Thanks! But this seems really weird. It feels wrong, even though it’s apparently not. (Though this sort of usage might’ve been that thing niggling in the back of my head when I saw this sentence before – something about turnips going to the opera, lol). Even as a demonstrative pronoun, I thought ‘Wellnessbereich’ would be masculine (because ‘bereich’ is?), making the pronoun ‘der’ – why’s this not so? I’m sure I’m being stupid, but I’ve not looked at the German use of definite article as demonstrative pronouns before and having some trouble finding a clear answer.

The article ‘die’ is in this case correct. The article is not a connection to wellnessbereich but to whoever it concerns to and is generic. ‘Die’ could point to a certain group of people that are dealing with the wellnessbereich or bought that wellnessbereich. It is more like the english ‘they’ while the german ‘sie’ is not generic and points to someone specific.

Sie hat sogar ein wellnessbereich… means she even has a …

Die haben sogar ein … means they even have …

‘Die’ is also often used to express accusatory and misunderstood as attack. But that’s a whole other story.

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