[Course Forum] Geography courses supported by DW7

Please use this thread only to contact DW7 about any of my GEOGRAPHY courses or those I am supporting, when you can NOT find the Creator or a specific forum link.

Please note that many of my courses (eg Geology related) should be listed under “Maths & Science” (then “Earth Sciences”) and “Astronomy” and “Weather” are listed under “The Natural World”.

If you find any typos, have problems or questions etc about any of the courses I am supporting, please post them here.

Please tell me

i) which course (by giving a link),

ii) and if possible, which level the problem is in

iii) and of course the issue.

All the courses I am supported are listed below:


Thanks @DW7

If you want to see the “Full Course Description” go to the web version (if you are using the app).

For an explanation about the differenced between the web version and the app and the loss of “Multimedia levels” see:

For an explanation of what “Reversed” levels are see :