[Course forum] Finské věty a fráze

This is the course forum for https://www.memrise.com/course/607763/finske-vety-a-fraze/

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Level 1:
He menevät sinineniin bussiin. should be He menevät siniseen bussiin.

@Lien could you please contact JuliaaC and let her know about this forum or/and give me the rights to correct the mistake?

Also, I had no reaction from anyone (I did try @MemriseMatty) on a similar requests for [Course forum] Finská slovíčka (+audio) and [Course Forum] Vazby sloves by TartaanSudaan

BTW, it would be great if there was some more direct way to contact the course creators than creating a course forum, tagging a moderator and then hoping for a reply. What about a “Suggest a correction” button directly in Planting/Review with editable input boxes for each of the columns in the database of that course? Even if the course creator does not react, future users of the course could be told that a correction was suggested and given the choice to use the corrected entry instead of the original one.

@Lien, @MemriseMatty or @memrisesupport please drop just a single-word reply if you at least actually read this post. Also please let me know which one of you is the right one to tag in requests like this one.

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