[Course Forum] Duolingo Irish, by milero


thanks for the excellent work on this course - the new audio in particular is really useful, and makes it an even better complement to the Duolinguo course than previously.

Here are some things I think need to be fixed (have double-checked against teanglann.ie, but I am still early along in my Irish study):

Level 35: d’fhormhor should be d’fhormhór
Level 44: taistealím should be taistealaím; taistealímid should be taistealaímid
Level 85: Díolfaim should be díolfaidh mé (unless there is some other way of forming the future first-person I haven’t encountered)

If I’m wrong about any of these, I hope somebody will correct me! Thanks in any case.

Hi anoulipo,
Many thanks for letting me know about errors. Corrections made. – heather

Excellent! Thank you.

Hello Heather,

Cúpla missing fadas in level 46, with one spelling issue:

trí chileagram
cúig leabhar

Thank you.

Thank you, anoulipo. Errors corrected.
trí chileagram
cúig leabhar


There is an error in the audio allocated to “Hello to you too (pl)”. Whatever the audio is trying to tell me I don’t get it.

In standard Irish, the Caighdeán, “duit” and “daoibh” are written with “d” instead of “dh”. Duolingo sticks with the standard in spelling and grammar. But in Connacht Irish, which is Duolingo’s choice for the audio, those words are usually pronounced colloquially as “dhuit” and “dhaoibh”. Sometimes the are actually written as “dhuit” and “dhaoibh” when someone wants to indicate the colloquial pronunciation. The trick is how to say the initial “dh” (and “gh” which has the same pronunciation) followed by a broad vowel. The Bitesize Irish explanation is good: https://www.bitesize.irish/blog/the-sounds-of-irish-gaelic-part-1/ If you can pronounce the German “ch” in “ach” just voice it and you have a good approximation of the sound. If you can pronounce a French “r” just move it down your throat a little to the place where you would pronounce the “g” in goat" and again you’re pretty close.

Thank you for your detailed reply, but the issue is already solved as you uploaded a new audio file. The old one said something like “Is van reb”. Might have been an audio file from a later part of the course. The tricky part was to load the new file in the Android App. I ended up reinstalling Memorise and cleaning all caches before…

Great. Glad it’s working now. Yes, I understand about challenges with the app! For the iOS version I have to logout of it and log back in to capture any updates I’ve made. :smiley:

Lá fhéile Pádraig sona duit, a Heather! I keep running across things and jot them down with the idea of sending a list, but I keep losing said list, so I’ll just try to flag them as I hit them in review. Level 61: d’ullmaigh sí should be d’ullmhaigh sí, no?


While I’m at it - I recently started another Memrise course which has píotsa instead of píosta (level 4 here), and I only now realized the difference. I can find both on the web (píotsa has many more hits); the teanglann.ie website has no dictionary listing for either, but it gives grammatical and pronunciation info for píotsa only; fócloir.ie translates ‘pizza’ with píotsa. forvo has the píosta pronunciation this course uses, and also a separate píotsa pronunciation. I didn’t review the skill, but I didn’t see pizza included with the Duolingo food module, so I’m not sure if píosta came from there. Still this hasn’t been flagged here - maybe it came up in the old forum? - and it occurs early enough - maybe not worth changing (but maybe you could include píotsa as an alternative answer?) Thanks again -

Thanks, anoulipo. Lá fhéile Pádraig sona duit (a little belated). Error corrected.

Not sure where píosta came from. Some variant of “pizza”? Or of “piece”? Anyway, I’ve changed it to standard píotsa. Thank you for pointing it out. I’m always grateful to hear about botúin. No error too small. Thanks for reporting it.

Thank you! One more, keeps tripping me up in review: Level 26, should be “an ndúnann tú”, but the first fada is missing. GRMA -

Yay! Error corrected. Thanks for reporting it.

One entry in level 54 has had me scratching my head - “thógann sé” is not the correct past form - that should be “thóg sé” - but the alternative entry is “thóg muid”, which is the correct analytic version of thógamar. Not sure what that one was supposed to be originally. Anyway, thanks as always -

Wow! That was fast!

“Thóg sé” corrected. I’ll keep an eye out for your error reports. I really appreciate your sending them.

A new phrase on basics Tá páistí siad (They are children) - surely it should be Tá páistí iad?

Also, shouldn’t fior (adj true) be fíor, with a fada on the letter i?

Surely it should! :slight_smile: And what’s " fíor" without it’s fada? Thanks for the alert. Much appreciated. Errors corrected. P.S. With the copula “Is páistí iad”