[Course Forum] Duolingo Irish, by milero

Revisiting this: the output that Memrise Scraper produces is a tab-delimited list, so it actually is usable from i.e. Excel et al. Just open Excel, open the file (as .txt) and import it as tab-delimited.

Yes, you’re right. I tried your method and it works in Excel now. Thanks so much.

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I’ve been off the forum for a few months and am just now seeing your post.
The course creator is ofthefay, but she is not currently active with Irish. I can make corrections and additions. Even if you are the creator, I don’t think there is any elegant way to export all the information.

Of course, you’re most welcome to use the content. It looks like you found a way to handle your export.

I just tried Memrise Export that I found as a Chrome extension. First, I open the Memrise course page in Chrome, click the Chrome extension icon, then choose Memrise Export, and then choose to export all words. The extension exports the word list as TSV and I can open the file in excel as CSV
So for a CSV word list, there you go.

If you find something more thorough, please post it on the forum and we’ll all be the wiser.

I find the sound is currently working correctly with Explorer/Edge. However, with Chrome and Firefox the sound is sometimes missing. July 31, 2021

Dia duit. I started learning Irish on Duolingo in September and using this wonderful course alongside it. And then about 2 weeks ago Duolingo gave their Irish course a major overhaul and now this course doesn’t match up anymore.

Is there anyone still maintaining this course? @heathermagoo you seem to have been the person most recently leading the effort.

Would it be possible to resort content in the course to match the new structure? I know what I am asking for, will probably take a massive effort and I would be happy to help. In fact I made a copy of the course (thanks to the existing Memrise scrapers) and rearranged the first 2 sections for myself but it would be WAY easier to do with the existing course.

I wanted to reach out as soon as it happened but the forum was read-only for a while.
Go raibh maith agat :slight_smile:

Dia duit. ofthefay started the Memrise Duolingo Irish course ages and ages ago. I created the course in its current form to match the Duolingo Irish at the time I was studying Irish.

Thanks for the alert that the Duolingo had updated its Irish course. New thematic groupings, new, much expanded audio. As with the other Duolingo languages, the bitesize grammar hints have been replaced by sample sentences. So the Memrise course definitely needs to be revised to match the new arrangement.

Are you adept with Memrise? My reality is that I’m up to my ears in other time sensitive projects and can’t handle it in the foreseeable future. But I could add you as a contributor and then you could go to it. It is a lot of work, but what I found was that I learned a huge amount of Irish by putting together the Memrise course. You would then have access to each of the entries I have put in the database, and you could use those entries to create new lessons structured around the current Duolingo course. And, of course you could add new entries as needed.

Let me know what you think. Heather

I work with languages all day but sadly Irish is not one of them so would love to take this opportunity to get stuck in. Am I adept at Memrise? Well I only learned a few weeks ago how to make my own course and upload audio so I’m not a pro but I’m a fast learner. And the community has a lot of helpful tips if there is something I don’t know :slight_smile:

The main challenge I would see is how do I know the new order on Duolingo to match the content to? For the first two section (which is as far as I am in my Irish learning at the minute) I just marked down the words as they appeared during the lessons but that wouldn’t work for all the later stuff. Did you have to deal with that last time? Any suggestions?

Once I figure that out I’d be happy to take this on.

Looking carefully, at the new Duolingo format and at the Memrise course as I created it, I have a few thoughts.

The new Duolingo format is a step forward in terms of expanded audio, but like most of the languages in the new format, it relies on drilling patterns for different situations. The old Duolingo course was loosely arranged around topics, but stressed grammar points and included simple grammar explanations. I pushed that grammar emphasis a bit further with the Memrise course and I can’t imagine internalizing Gaelige without addressing lenition, eclipsis, possessives, prepositions, all the verb forms, the copula and on and on. Of course, we each have our own ways of learning.

Chun scéal fada a dhéanamh gairid, I think it would be a loss to change the current Memrise course to match the new Duolingo format. It looks like only about 50-100 people are using the current course but if anyone is getting benefit from it, it would hate to wipe it out.

Instead, I would like to suggest that you create a new Memrise course to match the current Duolingo format. You could arrange your lessons following the Duolingo sections (Rookie, Explorer, Traveler, Champion, etc.). and then breaking it down further by units. You could use the “Guidebook” at the top of each unit as a clue of which words or phrases to include. Then at the end of each unit you could go through the review (that makes you legendary) to see if anything has been left out. You would come up with a much shorter course that would directly reinforce what was being practiced in the Duolingo lessons. (unfortunately, there is no way that I know of to just clone the whole course and use it as a starting point for something new)

I could still make you a contributor to the course that I have up on Memrise. Then you could browse the database for the course. Again unfortunately, I don’t know of any way to grab all the sound files (people sometimes put up code to grab the sound files but I’ve never been able to make it work). But, as a contributor, you would be able to download them one by one if you were interested.

In any case, I will make a note on the course that it is now obsolete as far as matching Duolingo. I could also include the address of your new course so learners could quickly find it.


Hi Heather,

Yeah that makes sense, the new structure is quite different (I think keeping the old course would be awesome). I was actually able to use one of the downloaders for sound files but yes being a contributor would help a lot. It would give me access to all the extra meta data. I promise not to make changes to the old course unless I see a genuine mistake anywhere :slight_smile:

Go raibh maith agat Junia

Done. Now just above the Leaderboard you should see a pencil and “Edit Course.” That takes you under the hood. GRMA for undertaking this project. I’ll look forward to using your course. If you don’t see the “Edit Course” button right off the bat, logout and log back in again.
Ádh mór,

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