[Course Forum] Characters 501 - 1,000 in Mandarin Chinese by BenWhately

hi there, the last “Meldungen” this years

“social group” is not accepted, only memrise knows why:

Behavior was due to ‘social group’ being improperly added as combined element in alt word. I.e., it was added as single term ‘by extension, social group’ (Memrise would require user to type ‘by extension, social group’ to actually get that right. Now fixed (properly split up) into to discrete answers. For all my recent edits, I will combine one main word and add similar alternatives in parenthesis, (but in hidden answers add each discrete answer and obvious variant spellings in as single individual answers so any single one should suffice.) This allows me to group similar words rather than super disorganized alt-list to user. --although, since Memrise doesn’t have sorting mechanism, all background hidden lists have to be organized manually =P. Happy New Years!

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hi there

is missing half of the definition:

gòng = sacrificial offering; to confess// gōng = to provide; to supply; (preposition) for; to feed, provide

is missing “remaninder (math.), remaining, extra, surname Yu, residue, after”

质 = character / nature / quality / plain / to pawn / pledge / hostage / to question / Taiwan pr. [zhi2]

(gee, I could not learn through/repeat for years Ben’s character courses, because of these Pleco mistakes…)

many thanks


it seems that nodoby has the nerves to curate these courses …

how ever 罗 means very often sieve, (silk) gauze, sifter, screen, net for catching birds, to gather, to catch, surname Luo

罗 updated

  • 3 variant Romania spellings added
  • sieve, silk gauze, gauze, (net for catching birds, bird catching net, bird net, net)
  • to and non-‘to’ verbs (to gather together, gather together, gather, to collect, collect, etc.)
  • added twelve-dozen, twelve dozen, 144, a gross, gross
  • Surname Luo (was hidden, but made it unhidden)
  • removed ‘12 dozen’, since for some reason Memrise fails ton enforce ‘dozen’ text and allows ‘12’ as “correct” answer despite being wrong.

I’m using a variant enumeration scheme that makes it easier to do edits but may disrupt test results, but it didn’t give me any problems when I tested it. Let me know if it has any problems for you.

Regarding 质,

Plain and pawn are bound forms and I included them this time, but I don’t generally include them because they can balloon into large numbers and also aren’t a standalone intrinsic meaning of the character(s). This course is a simplified form learning the base meanings, the extended meanings are more optional than a prereq and using optional answers as substitute for primary meaning is an exercise requiring perhaps too much overhead (to put it lightly.)

供 omitted ‘to feed’, since it’s not directly related to food and feeding unless combined with other characters.

泽 (closed) should be fixed already.


There must be something odd about the way 念 is entered as the Memrise app usually automatically marks it as correct during review. Is there a blank alt or something?

