[Course Forum] Brazilian Portuguese 1 - 7 by Memrise

I’m not sure where to put this, as it looks like there is not an official topic for the memrise brazilian portuguese courses yet!
Some of the food related nouns in Level 4 are missing articles. The gender is really important to learn with the vocabulary, so if someone could add those, that would be awesome!

On this forum, these staff members are somewhat active. You could try sending one of them a message or mentioning them like so @lien.

Many thanks for letting us know, I’ll ask my Portuguese colleague to look into it.

@IgCostaBR our Brazilian Portuguese Language Specialist will look into any reports/suggestions about our official Brazilian Portuguese courses

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 1 (how does profundo not = profound?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 2 (how does relatar not = to relate?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 3 (how does negar not = to negate?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 3 (how does declarar not = to declare?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 3 (how does alegar not = to allege?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 6 (how does verificar not = to verify?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 6 “neste momento” (neste actually = in this, on this, at this) and it’s masculine. And “momento” = moment. So, neste momento should = something like “in this moment; at this moment” and not “by now”.

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 7 (how does responder not = to respond?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 7 (um fundo also = background) - ruído de fundo - background noise

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 7 (Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 7 (configurar = configure); so configurar algo should be “to configure something”, right.

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 10 (how does construir not = to construct?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 11 (how does contratar not = to contract?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 12 (uma afirmação = an affirmation)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 12 (um discurso = a discourse)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 12 (principalmente = principally)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 13 (uma função = a function)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 17 (reserva = reserve…adj)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 19 (intervalo = interval)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 19 (um motor can actually mean “a motor” as well, right?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 23 (would “um veneno” not actually mean “a venom” as well?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 23 (does not “liberar” directly equate to “to liberate”?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 25 (how does “recurso” not have an alternate definition of “recourse”?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 27 (why does “liberdade” not have a synonym, at least, to “liberty”?)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 27 (“do norte”, depending on the context, could mean “northern, north, or from the north”)

Brazilian Portuguese 7, level 27 (“do leste”, depending on the context, could also mean “eastern, east or from the east”.

Just curious about Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 1 (wouldn’t “olá” equal a more formal “hello” while “oi” equals the more informal “hi”? And wouldn’t “tchau” equal the more informal “bye” while “adeus” would equal the more formal “goodbye”?)

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 1 (When you tell people that “boa noite = good night” and that’s it, that can be quite confusing. “good night” sounds like a period at the end of a sentence, like the night is over. “boa noite” can also mean “good evening”, which is just the beginning of the night.)

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 1 (When you tell people that “bom dia = good morning” and that’s it, that can be quite confusing. “bom dia” literaly translates to “good day”. What does this mean to you - poderia ser um bom dia?

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 1 (I would love to hear how “de acordo” = “okay”)

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 1 (Vamos! = Let’s go! / Vamos lá! = Let’s go there!)

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 2. You decided to list: meu (minha; meus; minhas), and then right after that seu (sua; seus; suas) as singular. That is really frustrating. Be consistent, and if you are going to list the masculine, feminine, masculine plural, feminine plural then leave audio for all.

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 3. How does “irritado” not = “irritated”?

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 3. (You say “macarrão” = “pasta”) What does “macaroni” = ?

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 4. peixe = fish (meat); so if I am not talking about fish (meat) then what do I call a fish?

Brazilian Portuguese 1, level 5. Isso = it ? Isso = that (neutral; gender or quantity doesn’t matter)(close to listener, not speaker)

So, within the same level:

isso é - that is (permanent)
isso está - that is (temporary)
isso é delicioso - that is delicious

@IgCostaBR - just wondering … are you Brazilian?

Hello @jaimebrasil,

First of all, thanks for all your messages.

My name is Ignacio, I’m Brazilian, Portuguese native speaker, and responsible for the official Portuguese Memrise courses.

I appreciate your effort to help improving our courses.
Since you have a considerable number of suggestions and we are also working on some other adjustments and projects for the app at this moment, please allow me some days to take a look at them over these next two weeks or so.

Then, whenever they can really help make our courses better and are aligned with our structure and concepts, I’ll be happy to proceed with the necessary and recommended changes.

For future reference, if you could compile your reports in one message, that would make things more easily overseeable.

Thanks again and I hope you keep enjoying our courses.

Best regards,



@IgCostaBR Thanks!

Hi @jaimebrasil,

As I had mentioned, all your suggestions were reviewed and many are now applied to the courses.

To make them effective for you, please log out and log in the app.

Let me know if you have any questions.




Thanks for your hard work @IgCostaBR ! It is very much appreciated.



Can you please look at this thread ? And place it here if necessary?

Thanks for posting this here for me, I still have not received a response in regards to this issue.

Hi lgCostaBr,

I just started Portuguese 2 and found an error. It’s taught as um taxi but should be ‘um táxi’ as I’ve learned elsewhere. Thank you for your time.

Hey @JanieDarling,

You’re absolutely right!

I’ve just fixed it! =)

In order to see this update in your course, you may need to log-off and log-in again. Don’t worry, all your progress will be kept!

Let me know in case you have any questions.

Kind regards,


@IgCostaBR ,

Estou com problemas no curso de frances. Em frances 3, assim como nos anteriores, tem muitos niveis onde palavras são aceitas, as vezes sim, as vezes nao, sem acentuação.

Fica muito confuso pq tem que lembrar em qual frase preciso ou nao usar acentuação. dificulta o aprendizado. ou exige ou nao exige.

Desde já agradeço a atenção.

Olá, td bom?

Você poderia nos dar alguns exemplos para tentarmos localizar qual o problema?



Anybody know if they are planning on adding native speaker videos to this course like they do with other languages?

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For the moment, we have no plans to add a “Meet the natives” mode for the Brazilian Portuguese course. =/

Notwithstanding, our European Portuguese course does have videos at the Meet the natives.

If you do like the videos and want to learn with them, you may consider also taking a look at that version.
Here’s the link for the Level 1:

(naturally, Brazilian and European Portuguese do have differences regarding some words and accent)

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Kind regards,


Please encourage the forces that be to consider a membus trip to Brazil–I signed up for the Pro subscription because of the ‘meet the natives’ feature and am distressed that there is only European and not Brazilian portuguese available. Are there any 2017 plans for Brazil?

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Hello @sclarkesorci!

We appreciate your message!

We do have plans, but, to be honest, we can’t say dates for now.
First Membus trip was focused on European countries. Later, we’ve added some Asian languages.

Now, for the future, we hope to add American variations as well. I can’t say it’s expected to be soon, but, it’s part of our plans! =)



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Hi @IgCostaBR,

In Brazilian Portuguese 2 is “táxi” (English) translated to “taxi” (Portuguese). But I believe the English word must be “taxi” and the Portuguese translation must be “táxi”.