[Course Forum] 5000 Most Used Dutch Words by Pyrrhon

I’d need to talk to Jean Baptiste (Pyrrhon). A huge amount of time has gone into this course and it mostly works. I don’t think either of us would want to see it change over much. People have offered to join contributors before but have wanted to make changes which would make it difficult for long term users.

We did most of this work when it was easy for contributors to stay in touch and share an approach.

Forgive me for saying this - but I don’t know anything about you.

I myself have returned it after a gap and haven’t found too much wrong. But before I talk to Pyrrhon, let’s talk. Best wishes. Diana.


No worries, I’m fine if you continue to maintain the course, I was just seeing that your last post was 4y back which is why I offered to help out! :slight_smile:


Dear Olaf

Kijk een gegeven paard nooit in de bek! Do you know this? Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth!

Let me explain my concerns. People offer to become contributors often with an agenda. The two most common ones are that

  1. they want to be over complicated. The purpose of Memrise is to learn Dutch - not to replicate Van Dale. Pyrrhon (Jean Baptiste) has used a lexicon and we jointly made a decision that we should not deviate from this.

2. they don’t accept the principles and want to do something else that they think will be better but don’t think through the implications for long standing learners.

The difference between “de klap” and “de slag” is: de klap is shorter in range. Shorter in time. For instance when two cars crash into eachother: the hitmoment: that’s: de klap
De slag is more when a baseball player hits the ball into the field. That hit is longer in time and that’s what we call: de slag.