[Course Forum] 5000 most frequent Latin Words ♫ Audio

No problem - thanks for the very thorough explanation! And apologies if I came across as ungrateful. The course is an absolute gift regardless (and, being familiar with German myself, I very much agree on the cases - that intuition has to come through exposure). The other courses (on the formation of the verbs, nouns, and pronouns) are also exceptionally useful and I will be recommending them to my students in the future.

Nah. People have questions about the course concept before committing to such a Herculean task like learning 5000 words. I really enjoy questions and recommendations. In the past, feedback often helped to improve the course. (I could always provide you with my database so that you could start your own course and design it differently.) Thanks again. :sunflower:

Thank you! I do actually have a question there - I have downloaded the course to Anki (just in case Memrise goes out of business or something), but I really valued the audio files you used for the course. Unfortunately for rejigging/creating a new course, the audio files are all scrambled when downloaded to Anki as far as I can see and aren’t named. Would there be any way you could provide me with the audio files you used? Don’t worry if not or if it is too much effort,

I only have the audio files scrambled myself. Cause, well, I did the same Anki export/import process you did. Here’s what you do (I hope I remember that correctly - did it for an entirely different course): you export the Anki database to CSV file and open that file in Excel (Google Sheets works exceptionally well too). Add a new column and auto fill-in the row number (0001,0002,0003…5000). Now, you need to find the column where the audio ID is stored. That’s a bit cryptic though. Entries with more than one media file have comma (or semicolon) separated audio ID. Split those based on the separator you’ve identified (that’s the =SPLIT() formula). Now, compare the audio file names in your mp3 Anki folder and the cryptic audio ID in your spreadsheet. You need to get rid of everything that is not that core number used in the mp3 filenames. I can’t recall how I did that but I think search and replace is helpful. Perhaps you need to use the SPLIT() formula multiple times. It’s a bit tricky but is done in a few minutes (if my explanation makes any sense to you). Now you have the bare audio id. Use the split function again on your Latin columns. Cut off everything that comes after the first space. Use search and replace to get red of all macrons. Search for “ā” and replace with a regular “a” and so forth. Now you need the CONCATENATE formula. Alternatively, you can use =F5&""&"" operators. Your goal is to produce DOS commands (sorry Mac os users!). DOS - remember that? Produce something like =“rename”&F1 or whatever your Audio ID cell is&".mp3 “&A1 or whatever your entry number cell is&”_"&A2 or whatever your cutt off Latin entry cell is&".mp3". Auto-fill produces 5000 similar commands. (And many more if count entries with more than one audio file). Now you open a Windows command line window. CD into the Anki folder. Copy the column you created and paste into command line. Now Windows batch renames all files. The once cryptic filenames become human readable and are sorted in the right order. Ta-da. It’s fun and very satisfying to see Windows do that batch processing thing. Since many entries have multiple audio files (whose ID you’ve separated earlier), you need to repeat that step after having removed the first successfully renamed batch from that folder so that you don’t overwrite files (which have the same index number and name). Does that make any sense to you? If not, give me a couple of days. I could do that for you. Just let me know.

Explained that here too: Copy courses? - #9 by Robert-Alexander

Not sure if that’s a better explanation though (Hebrew script transformation is the equivalent to macrons on Latin - DOS won’t accept such exotic scripts and letters).

That all makes perfect sense to me! Thanks for providing such detailed instructions and being generous with your time - really appreciated!


Thank you! :+1:

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