[Course Forum] 5000 most common French words by Ciccero aka Chartalegna

Hi @JoThelan,

I hate to be a pain in the bum at this very busy time but I just thought you might like to know that afin (the 3rd word in Level 5), while displaying a speaker symbol, has no audio.

Cheers, Kim

PS Sorry if this has been brought up before. :relaxed:

PPS Thanks for recommending this course - I like it a lot.

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@ripcurlgirl Thanks Kim, I’ll look into this on Wednesday when I have more time available.

Edit: I’ve never tried to make any changes to the sound before, so this might be an adventure! :scream_cat::smile_cat:


Hi Jo, I just came upon that word again and thought I heard something very, very faintly in the distance. I turned my speakers “up to 11” and could just make out the word. So, the audio is there but it is so unbelievably quiet as to render it inaudible at normal volumes (that being a volume to accommodate both relatively quiet and loud audio).

If I had the speakers turned to this volume, most other audio in the course would knock me out of my chair!!

Cheers again,

@ripcurlgirl I’ve just added a new sound file that is louder and removed the other one.


Merci Jo. I don’t know how you keep all those balls in the air!

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@ripcurlgirl The trick is to always keep moving! Once you stop, it all falls down.


Hi Jo,
I’ve just encountered the new recording. Il est parfait ! Merci.


Thanks @JoThelan for the previous update and the explantation. Much appreciated! :slight_smile:

Below some new ones and some concerns:

un soutien (level 12)

un appui (level 17)

célèbre (level 17)
famous, celebrated

famous (level 20)

conduire (level 4)
to lead, drive, conduct

circuler (level 18)
to drive, circulate

The definitions of the below three words are almost the same, but maybe the logical move would be just to modify the ‘contenter’ word?

plaire (level 9)
to please

contenter (level 11)
to satisfy, please [not “satisfaire”] --> … [not “satisfaire” / “plaire”]

satisfaire (level 8)
to satisfy [not “contenter”]

While there’s some distinction between pourtant/néanmoins and cependant/toutefois, these words are becoming at least for me very confusing when asked to quickly type. What do you think about the below?

pourtant (level 5)
yet, nonetheless, nevertheless, however [not “néanmoins”] --> … [not “néanmoins” / “cependant” / “toutefois”]

néanmoins (level 13)
nevertheless [not “pourtant”] --> … [not “pourtant” / “cependant” / “toutefois”]

cependant (level 4)
however [not “toutefois”] --> … [not “pourtant” / “néanmoins” / “toutefois”]

toutefois (level 8)
however [not “cependant”] --> … [not “pourtant” / “néanmoins” / “cependant”]


Thanks @michael_z! I’ll look into these this weekend.

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Hi @michael_z! I’ve made the following updates. I need to think some more about pourtant/néanmoins/cependant/toutefois. Like you mentioned, there is a distinction, yet I find myself having the same difficulty as you are having. I don’t want people to get the impression that they mean the same thing, so I need to find a solution that indicates that somehow, without being overly wordy. Still trying to figure out how to do that.

un soutien (level 12)
support –> + [not "appui’]

un appui (level 17)
support –> + [not “soutien”]

plaire (level 9)
to please

contenter (level 11)
to satisfy, please [not “satisfaire”] –> + [not “satisfaire” / “plaire”]

satisfaire (level 8)
to satisfy [not “contenter”]

conduire (level 4)
to lead, drive, conduct

circuler (level 18)
to drive, circulate –> + [not " conduire"]


Thanks @JoThelan. Yeah, the pourtant/néanmoins/cependant/toutefois are rather tricky! A new pair below:

une prestation (level 19)
benefit [not “bénéfice”]

un bénéfice (level 20)
benefit, profit [not “profit”] --> … [not “profit” / “prestation”]


une tentative (level 14)
attempt --> + [not “essai”]

un essai (level 15)
attempt, try, test, essay [literature] --> + [not “tentative”]


Actually the first one is a trio. :smile_cat:

une prestation (level 19)
benefit [not “bénéfice”]

un bénéfice (level 20)
benefit, profit [not “profit”] --> + [not “profit” / “prestation”]

un profit (level ?)
profit, benefit [not “bénéfice”] --> [not “bénéfice”/“prestation”]

une tentative (level 14)
attempt --> + [not “essai”]

un essai (level 15)
attempt, try, test, essay [literature] For now, I’m going to leave this definition untouched. Since it already has “essay” in the English definition, it seems that should be enough to clarify that “tentative” is not the correct answer. But if it seems to be a problem in the future, I’ll look into later.

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Thanks @JoThelan, great work! :slight_smile: And a new portion unfortunately below! :slight_smile:

sensible (level 11)
sensitive --> + [not “susceptible”]

susceptible (level 12)
sensitive, touchy --> + [not “sensible”]

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@michael_z Aha, so that explains why I got «susceptible» wrong the other day. They’re both in the course. They’re updated now. Shouldn’t cause anymore confusion.

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Don’t worry @JoThelan, thanks! Below some new ones:

réfléchir (level 11)
to reflect –> [not “refléter”]

refléter (level 19)
to reflect –> [not “réfléchir”]

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They’ve been updated! :smile_cat:

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Thanks @JoThelan. Another portion! :slight_smile:

une inquiétude (level 15)
worry, anxiety [not “souci”] –> [not “souci”/“préoccupation”]

un souci (level 16)
worry, concern [not “inquiétude”] –> + [not “inquiétude”/“préoccupation”]

une préoccupation (level 19)
worry, concern, preoccupation –> + [not “inquiétude”/“souci”]

inquiéter (level 14)
to worry, disturb –> + [not “préoccuper”]

préoccuper (level 20)
to worry, preoccupy –> + [not “inquiéter”]

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Thanks for finding the new words, @michael_z. They’ve been modified now. :smile_cat:

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Excellent, thanks @JoThelan. New ones:

pareil (level 15)
similar, likewise; (peer, equal) –> + [not “semblable” / “similaire” / “analogue”]

semblable (level 20)
similar –> + [not “similaire” / “analogue” / “pareil”]

similaire (level 27)
similar –> + [not “analogue” / “pareil” / “semblable”]

analogue (level 45)
similar, analogous –> + [not “analogue” / “pareil” / “semblable” / “similaire”]

Edit (9 Mar)

une chaîne (level 12)
chain, channel –> + [not “canal”]

un canal (level 20)
canal, channel –> + [not “chaîne”]

observer (level 8)
to observe, watch –> + [no “surveiller”]

surveiller (level 13)
to watch, supervise –> + [not “observer”]

vers (level 2)
toward; (verse) –> + [not “envers”]
Not sure if the “(verse”) here is needed in the original description?

envers (level 12)
towards –> + [not “vers”]

Edit (11 Mar)

empêcher (level 4)
to prevent –> + [not “prévenir”]

prévenir (level 13)
to prevent, warn; (to notify) –> + [not “empêcher”]

accueillir (level 12)
to welcome, greet, accommodate

saluer (level 17)
to greet, salute –> + [not “accueillir”]
The first definition is I think straightforward, but maybe just the second one needs some hint?

Edit (12 Mar)

réunir (level 9)
to gather, reunite, raise

rejoindre (level 11)
to rejoin, reunite –> + [not “réunir”]
Here reunite makes it rather confusing for the second definition. How do you feel about the first one?

Edit (13 Mar)

un propos (level 6)
remark –> [not “commentaire”/“remarque”]

un commentaire (level 17)
comment, remark –> [not “propos”/“remarque”]

une remarque (level 21)
remark –> [not “propos”/“commentaire”]

possible (level 2)
possible –> [not “éventuel”]

éventuel (level 21)
possible –> [not “possible”]

un partisan (level 21)
No sound.

un village (level 13)
village –> + [not “localité”]

une localité (level 44)
town, village, locality –> + [not “village”]

Edit (14 Mar)

une sortie (level 12)
exit –> + [not “issue”]

une issue (level 21)
exit, outcome –> + [not “sortie”]

une trace (level 18)
trace, mark, track –> + [not “piste”/“rail”]

une piste (level 19)
track, trail –> + [not “trace”/“rail”]

un rail (level 47)
rail, track –> + [not “trace”/“piste”]

une route (level 6)
road, route –> + [not “voie”]

une voie (level 7)
road, lane, route, track, way –> + [not “route”]

obtenir (level 4)
to get, obtain –> + [not “procurer”]

procurer (level 21)
to get, bring, procure –> + [not "apporter/"amener/“obtenir”]

Plus concerning bring:

apporter (level 4)
to bring –> + [not “amener”/“procurer”]

amener (level 7)
to bring, lead –> + [not “apporter”/“procurer”]

rapporter (level 10)
to bring back, report –> + [not “ramener”]

ramener (level 11)
to bring back, return, take back –> + [not “rapporter”]

réunir (level 9)
to gather, reunite, raise

rassembler (level 17)
to gather together, assemble –> + [not “réunir”]
I think the first one doesn’t need an explanation?

Edit (16 Mar)

une attaque (level 17)
attack –> + [not “attentat”/“atteinte”/“assaut”]

un attentat (level 19)
attack, assassination attempt –> + [not “attaque”/“atteinte”/“assaut”]

une atteinte (level 35)
reach; attack, blow –> + [not “attaque”/“attentat”/“assaut”]

un assaut (level 38)
assault, attack, bout –> + [not “attaque”/“attentat”/"assaut "]

une aide (level 5)
help, assistance –> + [not “secours”/“renfort”]

un secours (level 19)
help, aid –> + [not “aide”/“renfort”]

un renfort (level 44)
help, back-up, support, reinforcement –> + [not “aide”/“secours”]

@michael_z Thanks! I will get to these as soon as I can. However, I am moving out of country and returning home in a couple of days, so everything is a bit crazy right now. It might take me a bit to get it done.