Okay, I did that and found the word. And I’m fairly sure that there is a mistake in it, as the word is “une fin” meaning an end, and, if I remember correctly, it includes “fine” as one of the pronounced words. According to my research, “fine” means fine brandy or fine oysters, basically a high-class luxury. That has nothing to do with the word being learned. Is there a way that I can report this flashcard without having to wait until the next time that it comes up for review?
I have emailed Ciccero and invited them to the forum. Hopefully we’ll see him/her here soon
Thank you very much, Lien! I appreciate your time and effort in figuring this out!
Hi Lien, I hope you’re having a nice Sunday! Have you heard anything from Ciccero yet?
There is a pronunciation error on level 6. “Tôt” is pronounced as “Tout.”
On level 5, both “un futur” and “un avenir,” both meaning “future,” are introduced. As far as I can see, they both have the same exact English description in the course; however, the French words are not accepted as interchangeable answers. There is no way to tell which word is required when “Future” shows up. It is a matter of guess work.
I have corrected the audio for ‘une fin’
Hi @JoThelan, I still haven’t heard back… As it’s been well over a week now I double we’ll ever hear back from them
If you like, I can add you as a contributor? That will enable you to edit any entries as required.
Thanks, corrected.
You’re right, those are synonyms. I have implemented a fix.
Ok, sure! I haven’t worked on a course before, but I’d be willing to figure it out.
Great! I’ve added you @JoThelan
In the Course Creation section of our FAQ you should be able to find instructions for most things.
Wonderful! I’ll start making myself familiar with that section
I’m back. From now on, you can ask me for amends.
And sorry for not replying earlier. But I’d prefer to be able to supervise the problematic terms/articles before editing.
Of course! I’ll get in touch with her.
Hi Ciccero! I sent you a private message regarding the changes I had made, but I can’t seem to find it anymore. Did you receive my message?
Edit: If you didn’t receive it, just let me know. I can recreate the message again for you.
@ciccero “Cependant” and “toutefois” have the same English definition of “however,” making it a guessing game in reviews as to which word is being asked for. “Cependant” is on level 4, and “toutefois” is on level 8.
Edit: Both also have the same part of speech description of “adv, conj,” so there are no hints whatsoever as to which word is required.
@ciccero Hi Ciccero! There is a problem with the flashcard, “une zone” on level 9. It is missing its audio file.
Edit: Also, I noticed while reviewing today that “alors,” level 1, and “puis,” level 3 also have the same definition “then, so” and part of speech “adv,” making the student have to guess which word is required as the answer.