[Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh


“die Zusammenarbeit”, noun f. – no plural

“zusammenarbeiten”, verb (wir arbeiten zusammen)

“das Zusammenarbeiten”, nominative used verb n. (no plural)

der Beamte is also a weak noun, so changed the plural form to: der Beamte -n -n .

I think Geil is right, there is no plural for the number of euros, but if you are referring to the number of euro coins, the the “s” plural applies. I’ve but the s back in Memrise (der Euro s).

As far as I can tell, the German plural for “scarfs” is simply schals, so I removed the “’-e” alternative. So now the German form is simply “der Schal -s” .

There are a few audio mispronunciations in the first three levels.

level 1, word #2 - sie - this should be pronounced “zie”
level 3, word #39 - schon - the male pronunciation is wrong. the female is correctly pronouncing “schon”, but the male is pronouncing “schön”
level 3, word #41 - sein - this should be pronouned “zein”. It should be pronounced the same as the first part of word #42, which is correct. (word #42 has both “sein” and “seine” in its pronunciation)

I meant Euros as in an unspecified amount, but understood more than 1. I started taking the course, and one thing that struck out at me is ‘‘weiß’’ for ‘‘white’’. I don’t think this is a top 60 frequency word. Where ever this listed was compiled probably meant the first person form of wissen, which I was really hoping this course would not do.,… count conjugations as unique words. Das Nichts is top 30… I’m pretty sure this is not even top 1000, unless the compiler threw it in for the sake of understanding nichts could also be a noun.

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in the second post or so of this thread, there’s this note: “Have fixed the duplicate words, it’s necessary to replace them with others to prevent Memrise getting confused about which levels you’ve completed, but the words I’ve replaced them with aren’t necessarily top-1000 words, just the best I could find in a limited time.”

I’m not sure what the source of this list is. The Routledge frequency dictionary puts weiß at #563. Jahr is #51 in Routledge, but I didn’t see it in the first 200 of the course.

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der Beauftragte, die Beauftragten - there exists singular and plural as well - you can say “ein Beauftragter” too.

this source on reddit suggests the list is originally from German subtitles:


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I think the problem here is that Beauftragt is a past tense, not an adjective, so the rule that adjectives used as nouns (and ending in e) are weak, does not apply. Does anybody have any other thoughts before I change the answer to der Beauftragter ?

dict.cc shows weiß as a very high frequency word for white-colored. It is listed in level 4, both in Memrise and https://drive.google.com/file/d/19h8D3rc_sDwHfXt_9xObPZun9TZwZuYd/view.

More inclined to believe that is the frequency the word is looked up. Not sure. But weiß is top 5000 for sure. Top 60? I’m highly skeptical. When does schwarz appear on the list?

Don’t get me wrong, I think it is a fantastic list and probably overall a top 5000 usage, but the order is dubious thru-out. Like ‘‘eins’’ as in one is after Bruder, Stadt… I don’t think anyone can accurately measure usage in order. Not from subtitles or anywhere. Usage dictionaries only tell a story of who is looking up the word. Natives don’t look up high usage words because they know them obviously. It does make me more curious how this person compiled this from subtitles and figured out the order. It’s just impressive none the less.

dict.cc found nearly 31,000 occurrences for weiß in their list of translations, and about the same number for schwarz, which shows up in Memories in level 58. Linguee has a list that contains of lot of EU translations, and it show differing orders of usages. Any finite list of words made up from translations is going to show a differing ordering of frequency.


der Beauftragte, sg.m. / die Beauftragte, sg. f.
ein Beauftragter, sg.m. / eine Beauftragte, sg. f.
die Beauftragten, pl. m./f. (die gesetzlichen Beauftragten …)
zwei (drei, vier, …) Beauftragte pl. m.
zwei (drei, vier, …) Beauftragte pl. f.

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By comparison, here’s a memrise course that appears to follow the routledge frequency: https://www.memrise.com/course/198332/4000-german-words-by-frequency-with-audio/

and here’s the partial blurb for that frequency dictionary: “A Frequency Dictionary of German is an invaluable tool for all learners of German, providing a list of the 4,034 most frequently used words in the language. Based on a 4.2 million-word corpus which is evenly divided between spoken, fiction and non-fiction texts”

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That looks a bit more accurate in regards to frequency, with a miss here or there (I think). Like ‘‘ein bisschen’’ and ‘‘nie’’ are too far back for example relative to other words. But whatever. Probably nit picking.

It does have ‘‘weiß’’ for white, just below 700 which is where I would imagine it’s usage to be.

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Hello, in level 89, there’s word “Bestehen”. You have three meanings written there. But I would also add the word “to constist of”.

Hi, in level 140, the Euro is translated as ‘der Euro s’. Why the extra ‘s’? This seems like a typo or some kind of grammatical thing, but isn’t the word-to-word translation of ‘the Euro’ to German just ‘der Euro’?

Hi darklightos
If you are talking about using the phrase “six Euro coins”, the translation is “sechs Euros”, but if you use the phrase “it costs six Euros”, the translation is just “es kostet sech Euro” .

Hello HenryThe Fourth
You are absolutely right, and I have added the words “to consist of”.