[Course Forum] 5000 German Words (Top 87% sorted by frequency) by poncoosh

Any luck with this? You might have to contact Memrise, or maybe try a different browser.

No Dylan, I still donā€™t have an Edit Button. I just wrote to Memrise Support so lets see if that takes care of the Problem.

Dylan, here is the reply that Memries sent me. Leland

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January 31, 2018, 02:57 -0800

Thanks for getting in touch.

Unfortunately it looks like you are not yet in the list of contributors. Please contact the creator and ask them to try again - they can follow the steps below:

  • Enter the contributorā€™s username
  • Click ā€˜+ Add Newā€™ on the right
  • Hit ā€˜Saveā€™ at the bottom.

Looks like you were removed. Have re-added.

Signature missing

It worked this time as I now have an Edit Course button. Leland

Hi poncoosh,

Thanks for the effort making the course.

Can you please make a duplicate course, but in reverse?

Iā€™d like to be shown a quiz word in German, and a correct answer should be in English.

Hello Number 1, I think it is unlikely that anyone will make a ā€œreverseā€ version of this program, but you can copy the words and put them into a Quizlet Study Set. With Quizlet you can construct the files anyway you want. Memrise also has programs for German-speaking English-language learners.

Level 119 contained both the words ā€œMƤrzā€ and ā€œder MƤrzā€. I deleted ā€œder MƤrzā€.

Added a ā€œ-nā€ to ā€œder Erwachsene -n -nā€ in Level 121 to show that it is a weak noun.

Added the letter ā€œ-nā€ to der Verwandte in Level 133 to show that it is weak. All male nouns ending in ā€œeā€ are weak.


The audio pronunciation for this word is incorrect. Please remove or replace. Thanks.

Iā€™ll be glad to do that Alter8, but I need to know in which Level ā€œwƤhrendā€ is located.

In Level 134, I deleted the plural form from ā€œTrinkgeldā€ and added the female form as an alternative to ā€œder Irreā€.

In level 135, I removed the pluralization symbol "e for the word Krach.

Removed the word ā€œder Irre -nā€ and replaced with ā€œder Geisteskrankerā€ in level 134.

Level 135: deleted the ā€œ-sā€ for Euro and changed defintion of Garderobe to ā€œthe wardrobe, cloakroomā€.

Hi! Thereā€™s a mismatch in the audio for the word ā€œundefinierbarā€(indefinable) in lesson 280. The audio I hear is for ā€œAzubiā€.

Hi Parix! I deleted the audio file for ā€œundefinierbarā€. There is a really good audio for that word on dict.cc but I donā€™t know how to download it. If anybody knows how to download dict.cc audios, I would appreciate instruction on how to do it.

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I corrected the captalization on ā€œgeborenā€ in Level 41, and added to the definition.

Yeah I do know how but itā€™s not straightforward, and might depend on your browser.