[Course Forum] ! 400+ top Birdsongs by djupton9

I love the course https://www.memrise.com/course/284344/400-top-birdsongs/
but I find it difficult, as English is not my native language. I would like to translate it to Polish. @djupton9 - do you think we could do it together, with you as the main author of course?

Hi @EwaGrabowska34,

It looks like the course creator djupton9 has not found his/her way to this forum because your ‘tag’ did not turn grey. So let’s ask @Lien to send them an email inviting them here.


Hi @EwaGrabowska34,

I am glad you like Bird courses.

I used to be in touch with @djupton9 and in fact I took the photo of the Robin that advertises his course!

I do support both these two courses however:

and because of the extra levels I created, there are levels for photo and song.

I could add a Polish level if you liked - especially if you listed the birds by dual name for me below (or on my thread for the course).

Also this course https://www.memrise.com/course/507334/animals-mammals-birds-fish-insects-amphibians/


PS I see he also added extra levels later on.

@DW7, thank you for your answer, that would be great if you could add Polish level to your courses. And it would also be a wonderful possibility to learn their English names :slight_smile: So here is the list of Polish names to the 15 British Garden Birds course:

blackbird – kos
blue tit – sikora modra
chaffinch – zięba zwyczajna
coal tit – sikora sosnówka
collared dove – sierpówka, synogarlica turecka
dunnock – pokrzywnica
goldfinch – szczygieł
great tit – sikora bogatka
house sparrow – wróbel zwyczajny, wróbel domowy
long tailed tit – raniuszek
magpie – sroka
robin – rudzik
rock dove – gołąb skalny
starling – szpak
wood pigeon – gołąb grzywacz



Hi @EwaGrabowska34,

Nice to hear from you and happy to help. Thank you for such a clear list.

As I am not the creator of that course (even though it is an ‘abandoned’ course), I can not add the column for Polish that I need to, but will ask the team eg @lien to add it for me. (I can only do that on courses that I’ve created or been assigned.)

You may like to read this thread [Feature Request] for increased powers for Course Contributors who are now responsible for courses

In the meantime I see you have started the course :slight_smile:

I can keep these posts here or if @djupton9 comes here and would like, I can move them to my courses thread. (I will leave them here for now)

I’ll get back to you when it’s set up - but you should also notice, as I will create a couple of extra levels with “Polish” in the title.

Enjoy your learning.

Hi @EwaGrabowska34 & @spocki - good news - Polish all set up for you!

You have six dedicated levels and of course two “Photo & Song” levels are the same in all languages.

Let me know how it goes.

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Thank you so much, @DW7! Sorry I didn’t answer you earlier… I’ve already started the course, it’s cool and I love the pictures <3

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Hi Ewa (I see you have changed your ID from @EwaGrabowska34),

Glad you have found and are enjoying the Polish levels to the 15 British Garden Birds course I am supporting: https://www.memrise.com/course/90987/15-british-garden-birds/

I am not supporting the 400+ one - I just recommend that as a follow on to the 15 and 20 ones.

I do have a Forum for the Bird courses I am supporting: [Course Forum] Animals, Birds, Trees & Plants ~ courses supported by DW7

Cc @Miedziany_Kwiat

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I think this needs to be corrected or at least an alternative given.

Woodpigeon < I think Wood Pigeon as two words is more common.

Is @djupton9 around? (Answer no.)

@lien - could you try to contact him please?

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Thanks, I’ve made the correction.

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Thank you so much @lien for correcting that one entry in a great course.

(I’ve progressed from the 15 and 20 Bird courses I look after!)

PS I have :cake: today as it’s two years I’ve been contributing here!

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